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Tuesday, February 21, 2006


AMERICAblog links to the latest in the UAE port sale flap. Apparently, Bush is set on having his first veto be on this issue. That's right, rather than limiting the copious piles of pork that corrupt GOP lawmakers have been scarfing, Bush wants to ensure that our port security is in the hands of a government that has both materially supported Al Qaida and provided safe passage to illicit nuclear technology as it makes its way to our staunchest enemies.

Now, I know plenty of PT conservatives who are as opposed to this move as many liberals, but I must say that the biggest surprise, to me (and frankly, it wasn't really all that surprising) is that there are still PT cons who are defending this criminally negligent president on this issue. I can't tell you how many wingnuts have asked me snidely, "Well how do you know the UAE supports terrorism?" Uh...hello? This is common knowledge. Are you so fanatical in your dedication to your cult leader that simple facts cannot penetrate the fog?


