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Friday, December 02, 2005



I just got finished watching Homecoming, from Showtime's Masters of Horror series. If you watched it, read on, and let us know in comments what you think. If you are planning on watching later on, read no further, there will be some spoilers.

Ok, still here? How great was that? Cindy Sheehan was there, and her son fucking murderized Karl Rove. And how long have you waited to see Ann Coulter get shot in the back of the head? Admittedly, it was a tad heavyhanded, and it's tough to tell a well paced story in only an hour, but this horror show hit all the right notes. And why is it that only in a zombie movie can people say the truth that everyone knows? That our leaders lied us into war, and don't care about either the deaths they cause or the will of the people. It's high freaking time someone had the guts to say it out in the open. I cannot wait to hear the wingnuts whining about this one. They're only mad that someone finally said it: The Chimperor is naked!



zombiemaster said...

I watched this also and I loved it becuase it was well acted and well written but most of all it was DEAD TOT HE POINT I wonder what would happen if that was to come true.
