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Wednesday, December 07, 2005


On 5 Dec 05, the Mainstream Politics room was, for lack of a better description, a virtual melting pot – an amalgam of viewpoints peppered with insults, intrigue, and powerful emotions – a smelting of some brilliant political analysis intermingled with some of the most unintelligible prattle to ever packet-switch its way through the Internet Cloud. And then there’s Vigilant Reason; the commensurate neocon basket case, who for five merciless hours, let loose a stream of verbal dung only he could generate. Take, for example, this little gem-of-a-comment:

Vigilant Reason: SCREW THE WORLD

How can a man this eloquent be relegated to such a mundane existence on PalTalk? Surely such a character capable of making such a weighty statement is worthy of an audience a step-above the fray! No three words coming from an individual otherwise known to be just a tad skimpy on intellect could have been more truthful, more revealing, or more elucidating than these. No trifecta of words in the English language could better describe the Bushite worldview than “SCREW THE WORLD.” We’ve all heard the neocons, in lemming-like fashion, belly-up to the mic and sing the praises of George the Lesser, but none of them have ever been as succinct as Vigilant with his “SCREW THE WORLD” pronouncement. Is this true genius, or is it that one-in-a-million chance someone with the acumen of a wart might say something that sounds intelligent - purely by accident? Being familiar with Vigilant’s past commentary – I’ll slap my money down on the latter. I digress.

You’re right Vigilant – Bush has SCREWED THE WORLD – with lies, with murder, with war, with torture, and with terrorist acts rivaled only by some of history’s other unsavory dictators: Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, et al. You know the drill.

