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Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Was Dubya driving?

How strange. Just got back to the room, (after watching Shaolin Master Killer. Kick ass, thanks for asking) and look who's here: Vic Ferrari. Hmmm, let's see; bright blue text, check; all caps, check; complete ignorance, check. But what happened to the "forever"? Is it forever already? Lost the courage of your convictions, Vicky?

I heard Vicky got through to Karl's radio interview program. I know Karl was pleased, because any controversy is good for ratings, after all. Vic, however, was in rare form, as he fired off a sure-fire, never-miss, breathtakingly-stupid query. It was a classic in the vein of Vic's hero, the 46-IQ man, Sean Hannity. First, you read off a quote out of context from a liberal, and then you demand that the guest support or repudiate the quote. It's mind-numbingly silly, but Vic, unable to process more than the most basic of ideas, is a big slobbering fan of the tactic. I hear both Karl and his guest slapped Vic's nose with a newspaper and shooed him outside into the rain like a dog that won't stop humping leg. Rather than sit outside, wet and whimpering, with his nose fogging up the glass, Vic decided to lope over here and bother us. I wonder if he'll piss off if I give him a rawhide chewtoy?

Remember those cartoons where the big boss bulldog in the knit cap had that annoying little yappy dog bouncing around saying, "yeah, boss," "whatever you say, boss,"? Vic now has his own little toady in the form of slammer_18. I had thought slammer had more self respect than that, but I imagine that, like most wingnuts, he gets his kicks being tied up in a black leather mask and being horsewhipped by his mistress, while she stomps his nuts and calls him a little toad.

Vic is now on mic, and I've never heard a more disgusting example of bigotry and hatred. He says nothing but lies, and has no clue as to what is really going on in this country. Only 35% of America still supports the ideas this fool retches out. Now he is even talking about some protestors at a Hillary Clinton rally, and whining about free speech. Never bothers to mention that EVERY SINGLE speech Bush gives excludes opposing viewpoints. At literally EVERY campaign speech Bush gave in 2004, protestors were kept out, and now there are lawsuits against him for illegally keeping people out of taxpayer funded events. Now, clearly, Vic is fully and completely aware of all of this, but he is so deathly afraid of being called on his own team's illegalities that he has to bluster and spit out completely irrelevant nonsense.

Just listen to anything a wingnut says. I know, it's painful, but really listen. Every crime they accuse, they are guilty of. Every tactic they decry, they invented. Every lie they tell, it's to hide the truth of their own guilty hearts. Never trust a wingnut.


