
Search Ratttler

Friday, December 23, 2005


You know what...I think it is time I set the record straight about something that's been bugging me for a long time now concerning people on pal talk discussing my mental health. Allow me to set the record straight so this kind of shit will stop.

I am not as sick as I come off to be. I have a simple case of being Bi-Polar. I take meds for it everyday and you know what, the meds keep me in line. Along with that i see a therapist and a regular doctor to make sure I am keeping my self in check and staying healthy, that my meds are adjusted to be sure I can function in society. Also, I practice yoga and mediation as well to keep myself from allowing stress to trigger a set back (those who have seen me have a set back know what I am talking about).
Now, a lot of you are wondering then what is the deal when I come into the room and go off like I do. The answer to that is very simple. I am having a good time in there. I don't take voodoo polictics nor mainstream seriously as debate or information rooms. I take them as a good old fashioned wild west shoot out rooms. Half of the people in there are more sick and unstable as I am, so when in as the Romans do. (LOL). Up until now only a handful of people knew this but I think the joke has run its course and I am ready to return to serious debate and tackle the hot-button issues of today (mixed with a little Bush bashing).
In closing please remember that I care for this country and its people and only want the best for it so we can ensure future generations of the blessing it has been to us.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to comments you like.
ZombieMaster (King of All Paltalk)


zombiemaster said...

dont cry little baby...mommy is coming to give you milk and cookies

ononotagain said...

your majesty, King of paltalk.unlike wahhhbooho, I recognise your confession as a candid explanation of your mental state and your approach to paltalk. The world would be in deep shit if we acted like we do on Paltalk. Confessing to a mental illness is a clever ploy to divert guilt from yourself. pure genius of the truly insane!
