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Monday, December 05, 2005


Karl's catapult, the Wingnut Ejector 3000

Well, well, we did have some fun tonight in Mainstream.The room is infested with wingnuts tonight, including VIGILANT REASON, a mindless regurgitator of ALL CAPS spin points. I seriously wonder if V isn't just an elaborate hoax, the shit he spews is so dense. Mensch Shiksa is also lending his/her hermaphroditic opinion to the fray. Buttlogic seems a little under the weather. Here's hoping he doesn't recover too quickly. Ah, but the star of the show, MrArchieBunker, is sadly no longer with us. He got strapped into the Big Catapult and shot off over the horizon.

It seems Arch was playing his old game of Pearl-clutching Tattletale-ism. He loves to come into liberal rooms where he knows he can't really win a debate, (unless calling someong a commie pinko counts as winning, and it hasn't for 20 years) and start pointing out phantom TOS violations. Last night, he got all hyperventilatey at my suggestion that a traitorous Veep should be hung. Tonight he flapped his hands and clucked at Tom Joad analogizing that if he came to Arch and whanged him with a baseball bat, he'd hardly expect Arch to fall in love with him. Simple analogy for Iraq, I would think, but Arch needs to run and tell teacher whenever he's losing at a game. Karl, natch, was having none of it, and bounced his silly ass for threatening to call a Red Coat. Game over, Arch, you lose.


