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Friday, March 24, 2006


Today in the Tattler:

“An intelligent person lives in accordance with their beliefs…”

This would be a serious boner had it come from a reputable source; but coming from the blog modeled after the Rona Barrett school of slime and sleaze “journatainment” where fact and fancy are often fused into meaningless, valueless bundles of fluff, our sister publication leaves us, once again, scratching our scalps and wondering: What the Fuck?

Surely the Tattler doesn’t subscribe to its own patently illogical poppycock! It does; however, beg a number of questions: Is the converse of that argument true? Do all ignorant people live in discordance with their beliefs? Are intelligent persons the only people with beliefs? Are there any ignorant people with beliefs? Are the beliefs of ignorant people ignorant beliefs? Are the beliefs of intelligent people intelligent beliefs? Can intelligent people have ignorant beliefs? Can ignorant people have intelligent beliefs? Can an intelligent person be ignorant? Can an ignorant person be intelligent? Do all intelligent people have beliefs? Do all intelligent persons live in accordance with their beliefs? Was the Unabomber intelligent – he lived in accordance with his beliefs? There is no clarity whatsoever to this most inane of statements.

What is clear is the Tattler has ingenuously whored itself out to the world of irrational thinkers. In proclaiming itself a neocon standard bearer, the Tattler trivializes the importance of using logic in debate, blurs the distinction between truth and the nonsensical ramblings of gutless cowards, and panders to those who would summarily surrender their integrity, their honor, and their rights to Fascist pigs intent upon destroying our Constitution and our nation – without so much as whimper.

If the Tattler were informed he would understand that irrationalism is a crucial element of conservativism, and he would disparage the sophistical neocon palaver that Fascism/Nazism is a liberal, left-wing weltanschauung. He would know that National Socialism is the Fascist moniker for nationalism. If the Tattler were intelligent, he would know that conservative ideals like nationalism, pride, and patriotism are not founded on any logical principles, but are purely emotional enterprises, and that emotions are irrational thoughts with little to no probative value insofar as intellect is concerned. Neocons fool themselves into believing they are arguing facts, when in fact they spend the vast majority of their time defending their positions by supplanting facts with fallacy tempered with disingenuous appeals to emotions. If the tattler were informed, he would realize that it is liberalism that seeks to shed the coil of innate ignorance, and that conservatism is the philosophy that is antagonistic toward enlightenment and progress. If the Tattler knew what he was talking about, he would realize those claiming to be blow-hard conservatives are nothing of the sort - but that they are actually narcissistic closet-liberals who erroneously believe George Bush and his retinue really care about them and their well-being - that they are faux-conservatives who swoon at hearing Rush Limbaugh and his ilk spew their acrimony and propaganda - that they are so giddy with power they fail to see how they hasten the creeping pall of Fascism.

The fact of the matter is the Tattler made an utterly ludicrous statement. Why? Because it sounds good; it makes his neocon fans chortle and huff a bit and gives them something to wallow in besides their own feces. It fits in well with the slick and slime the Tattler tries to pass off as polemics and critical thinking. We here at the Rattler didn't fall for the schtik. And to think we expected more of the Tattler! Ha!

But the Tattler is right about one thing: There is nothing more freightening than ignorance in action.


