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Friday, March 17, 2006


MosesKnows told us a strange story about pigs today. No, he wasn't detailing the adventures of Superlobbyist Jack Abramoff. According to MK, this story supposedly proves that socialism is tyrannical. In it, a clever trapper uses the bait of free corn to get a wild, violent, murderous group of hogs to accept captivity. What seems to have escaped our Moses of very little brain is that when you compare the two alternatives, captivity might not be so bad...

Jesus Claus: this is a disturbing story
Jesus Claus: is he implying that wild hogs that kill each other normally and don't function as a group are a good model?
M I CHELLE: whats wrong with that Moses? to help others in need?
Noooogie: moses is deranged
Noooogie: get it ?
M I CHELLE: maybe some work and its not enough and need help.
B4UI82: MOSES you do not know SHIT about socialism
Jesus Claus: we should be wild hogs that are violent and don't care about each other?
Jesus Claus: every hog for himself?
Jesus Claus: what about those who starve?
Noooogie: hogs have no bootstraps
vacreeper2003: no - he is implying that the man ate the corn
W i n d y: lolol jesus
Jesus Claus: what about the hogs who can't get food?
Telecasterdude: Hard to listen to a person who Knows nothing about Political Sciense like Moses who simply does not have a Clue of what hes talking about
B4UI82: greedy little capitalist
vacreeper2003: and drove the pigs into Lake Okachobe because they were possessed
Jesus Claus: MK, your own story defeats you
Jesus Claus: because normally, hogs would function by a dominance heirarchy
vacreeper2003: Moses probably boiled and ate his own children
Jesus Claus: right, MK?
MosesKnows: who decides what you suggest is an impovement?
M I CHELLE: I don't get this moralistic right wing bullshit, then...they support a totally capitalist society that is not compassionate or giving. Quit using your religion and say what you really mean, that you are greedy and dont care about other humans.
B4UI82: its like saying humanity is wrong
Noooogie: hogs , like republicans will eat and consume anything put in front of them, including human flesh
Jesus Claus: if it helps people, it's an improvement
Noooogie: just a tidbit for yas there
Jesus Claus: B4, it's like saying being humane is wrong
MosesKnows: okay, i'll listen better...this advice from a person who did not listen to me.
B4UI82: yes jesus
Jesus Claus: we heard you, MK
Jesus Claus: your story was disturbing
Jesus Claus: i was revolted, actually
vacreeper2003: Repukes would eat fucking friccassed dust bunnies to prove a rediculous point
MosesKnows: the story of the free corn is on the internet,
MosesKnows: b4u - that is exactly when you should be listening the most....
Noooogie: when has moses ever had a coherent arguement someone didnt destroy?
Noooogie: never?
Noooogie: freep shit
Noooogie: the hogs name was delay
Noooogie: and the other hog named abramoff
vacreeper2003: die
Telecasterdude: The Corn anology is simplistic and it doesnt take other factors in to concideration
Noooogie: they fed at the same trough
Noooogie: eat eat eat
Noooogie: yum yum yum
Noooogie: steal steal eat
Noooogie: shit shit shit
MosesKnows: lol...the hogs are going to die...which are then better
MosesKnows: please read it, i can't do it justice in 4 min.... the story of the free corn is on the internet,
MosesKnows: has not to do with the
Telecasterdude: what about the elderly Moses they dont get their Corn lol
vacreeper2003: what moses is trying to tell us is that if you die from starvation - it's your fault
Noooogie: right makes might!
vacreeper2003: if you can't survive in society - you SHOULD die
Telecasterdude: Noogie thats the sad fact this neocons support only themself
Noooogie: poor kids who cant eat.... they need to get JOBS!@
Noooogie: its true largely
Noooogie: they dont see others, only themselves
Noooogie: no compassion
vacreeper2003: moses is promoting euthenasia of the less fortunate
Noooogie: no empathy
B4UI82: yes those little fuckers are just lazy noog
Noooogie: i got mine screw you is the attitude
Hentor: hell if those hungry kids will desing a new weapons system will feed them lmao
B4UI82: none at all nooog no such feelings it seems
MosesKnows: lol..this is so funny...jesus never heard the story before, didn't understand it when he did hear it, and now he is the expert on the author and the story, couldn't write this
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
Noooogie: made up stories are a grat way to skew facts
Jesus Claus: you told the story very well, MK
Jesus Claus: and I got the moral perfectly
Hentor: wow animal farm day
B4UI82: Moses knows your name alone shows delusion
MosesKnows: jesus - got nothing
Jesus Claus: Starvation is preferable to bad leadership
Jesus Claus: I got it completely
MosesKnows: the hogs has a choice....until they fell for the free corn.
Jesus Claus: Hogs were better off in a dictatorship than in a socialist system
Jesus Claus: what choice?
Jesus Claus: what choice did a weaker hog have, MK?
Jesus Claus: pretend I am a weak hog, MK
Jesus Claus: I decide not to starve to death
vacreeper2003: Moses - again - you're blaming the victims of capitalism
Noooogie: moses is more of a lemming
Jesus Claus: Whooops, I have no control over thet, do I?
Noooogie: where is that cliff?
Jesus Claus: The system decides for me
Jesus Claus: The Alpha Hog says, "No, you die."
Telecasterdude: Working people who supports republicans are like chikens who support Colonel Sanders
vacreeper2003: Moses believes those who are dependent on others should die - they deserve death!
Jesus Claus: I decide not to die
Jesus Claus: oh, shit, I died
Jesus Claus: But at least I had a choice!
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahaha
B4UI82: lol jesus
Noooogie: claus, if you die, merely pull yourself back to life by your bootstraps
Noooogie: its so easy
Noooogie: dont you get it?
Jesus Claus: I CHOOSE LIFE!
Jesus Claus: and die anyway
Noooogie: do like the ghetto kids who cant eat do, get jobs
Noooogie: and die anyway
Noooogie: yes
B4UI82: hey jesus has done it b4
B4UI82: lol
Noooogie: the point is YOU TRIED
Noooogie: lol
Jesus Claus: not so, noogie, I just hit up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, select start to get 30 lives.
Noooogie: blaming the poor for their lot os typical of republican assholes with no compassion
Jesus Claus: so, MK, what is my choice worth as a weak hog?

Seems like both MK and the author of this fairy tale didn't think things through too well. Now, granted, it is always possible to sate all desires with "corn" and install a tyranny. Hell, we see that happening now in America. But in the strictest sense, a hog society based on the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, kill or be killed, well, that means that most hogs are going to fare poorly, and many will die because a few strong hogs hog all the resources. I'm not even sure MK understands that when he says, "At least the hogs had a choice before," the "choice" is a big joke. If I can't fight for my food, I get nothing, no matter what my choice is. At least with the socialist system, we all get something.

I gotta be honest with you, I've never seen such a succinct and powerful contrast between rapacious, violent, unregulated capitalism and a better alternative. And the real answer is that we need a system that borrows from both the meritocracy of capitalism and the humane safety net of social democracy. Seriously, can you think of a better symbol for capitalism run amok than a pack of wild hogs, rampaging and chomping down on every morsel in sight, biting and goring their compatriots to amass the biggest pile of goodies? Nice try, MK, but you shot yourself in the foot again.


