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Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Every now and again, when you think you’ve heard it all on PT, a new neocon nitwit steps out of the primordial ooze and deposits what is seemingly the most perfect turd. Student86, a neocon turd-polisher apprentice who devotes the majority of his time to disrupting intelligent conversation, landed his 2,000 pound fecal pellet right smack dab in the middle of 2 Way Street, where it dominated all conversation for the ensuing 2 hours. Let’s cut to the chase:

student86: the UN headquarters is in a major American city for a reason
student86: because we are the de-facto capital of humanity
student86: we ended the anarchial concert of nations
Semantics_In_A_Hat: Ever heard of Westphalia, Student?
vacreeper2003: the de-facto capital of humanity - hey student - what the *@#& is that supposed to mean - please, tell us
Semantics_In_A_Hat: What if we add the words "Treaty of"?
student86: semantics, how does it feel knowing that the US spearheaded the entire world order that rules the world?
student86: Recommended reading for the liberal nutballs in the room: The Bretton Woods Protocols
student86: Semantics, you simply cannot come to grasp with the fact that we are the world's leader

Is this guy serious? Vacreeper2003 gave student86 the opportunity to explain exactly what the “de-facto capital of humanity” was; however, no response was forthcoming. The debate in the room denigrated into a pissing match between the “Yanks” and the “Europeans” arguing the finer points of who did the most to win WWII.

All that can be said for student86’s utterly ridiculous comments is that it’s the typical neocon deranged arrogance that lends itself to solidifying the United States’ “most hated nation on earth” status. These comments, typical coming from a Bushite neocon, have all the trappings of very limited brainpower - hauteur, trivial, brash - pretty much speak for themselves. What is not self-engaging is why anyone with a conscience would hold such drivel in such high regard. So, for those of us who prefer to steer clear of the embarrassment of atheletes tongue, we simply consider the source, close our mouths, and avoid the fungal spores.

While it appears student86 is progressing satisfactorily in his PoliSci 101 class, it’s clear he knows squat about history and the role it plays in politics and international relations. Student86 is clearly incapable of undocking his head from his rectum and immersing himself in the required intellectual activity so heady a subject as world domination demands; but, predictably, he thrives in tunnel-vision. His comments are so wanting of intellectual value, it’s difficult to believe he’s enrolled, as he puts it, “in a MA program, dumbass.” What’s scary about "selectual-intellectual" figures like student86 is this: if this is the depth and scope of the critical thinking his “MA program, dumbass” espouses; America truly is in deep guano.

We here at the Rattler suggest student86 stick to playing RISK, and leave “de-facto” world domination to the “de-facto” politicians, diplomats, and warriors who "de-facto" matter, dumbass!



Anonymous said...

america, fuck yeah
