
Search Ratttler

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


It was nearly a wild west showdown last night in the liberal view. I think the room was spoiling for bloodshed, and nellyandlynn was eager to throw down with the big boys. Eager, that is, until the brawling bruisers stepped up to crack their knuckles and pick up the gauntlet. Check out how nellyandlynn comes out swinging, and then limps away whimpering:

nellyandlynn: I could debate you one on one, in real life, and I bet you would turn your mind around
walksthedesert1: lets try nelly here and now
Athena_1066: can barely put a sentence togther.....
Athena_1066: lol....
5of7: lol
dee_texas: lol
MaryLou_2004: lol
nellyandlynn: Not with all of your Dumb ass Liberal Views standing behind you with their Minds..I said ONE ON ONE
nellyandlynn: did YOU NOT HEAR ME?
walksthedesert1: roflmao i didnt think so nelly
nellyandlynn: Lets go into a pm
Jesus Claus: nelly, you'd embarrass yourself trying to debate me
nellyandlynn: a private room
nellyandlynn: come on
nellyandlynn: lets go
Athena_1066: said you could take anyone get to the mic you stupid bitch....otherwise....shut the fuck up
walksthedesert1: we both know you could never debate me
gofigure_1: my my nelly....whats the matter...u not have any of your damn cronies in her to back u up
Athena_1066: let's go right now
Athena_1066: right here
nellyandlynn: Come on Walks, lets take this on
walksthedesert1: here and now nelly debates are not done in private
nellyandlynn: why not Walks?
Athena_1066: nelly is too fucking cowardly to debate in a chat room.....
Athena_1066: lmao
nellyandlynn: Are you a chicken shit? do you need BACKUP?
Athena_1066: typical idiot
gofigure_1: that is a private conversation nelly....NOT A DEBATE
gofigure_1: nelly...r u a chicken shit ... u need BACKUP
Jesus Claus: i'm sure the room would like to have walks and nelly debate
corporal clegg: my moneys on athena
walksthedesert1: nelly is too afraid to debate
dee_texas: nelly is having a bad hair day
Paycheck: Putting my $$$ on Athena too
patty_64: walks nelly wants to debate in private so she can say she won no witnesses
nellyandlynn: Walks, someday, when you get brave enough to talk to Me one on One, and quit Acting like this BOLD WIZARD OF OZ, behind CLose Doors, Lets Discuss OK?
Athena_1066: nelly is too busy sucking vic's tiny pecker.....her stupid mouth is busy right now....
walksthedesert1: lololol yes
walksthedesert1: nelly i want to debate thats what you said
walksthedesert1: now you tuck tail and run away
nellyandlynn: Nelly doesn't suck might, he doesn't
walksthedesert1: you are a coward nelly
nellyandlynn: coward my Ass, I am a person that doesn't like listening to People that don't listen to Both sides
Athena_1066: well....that silly cow said she could take anyone on........
gofigure_1: nelly u r the one that called walks be a damn adult and bring it on
walksthedesert1: nelly we all just saw your cowardice
gofigure_1: sure did walks
nellyandlynn: Walks just because I don't open my Mouth on the Mic, does not make me a coward...does it?
patty_64: so true walks
nellyandlynn: I just dont' want to add to your FIGHTS in this room
walksthedesert1: nelly you called me out now you are backsteping = cowardice
nellyandlynn: 0
MaryLou_2004: you have done it before nellylynn
gofigure_1: nelly...u r the one that started the damn fights in here...YOU r the one that started the name calling....
Betty1861: you bring it on your self nelly tsk tsk

Clearly, the room was ready for some arena combat. Hell, most rooms will let two people pass the mic for a one on one, but nellyandlynn wasn't having it. She (and we can only guess at which deformed head of that conjoined monstrosity was typing last night) wanted to have a private debate. At first, we thought is was so no one would bear witness to her inevitable defeat. But, take a look at how nellyandlynn starts flirting:

nellyandlynn: walks, goodnight you sad pathetic old man
walksthedesert1: run away nelly
patty_64: nelly you are a coward so stop flooding the text with your lies that you cannot prove
nellyandlynn: get LAID Walks, and that might make you a HAPPY MAN someday
gofigure_1: LOL nelly nelly....u run run u little child
plastermaster: bye Nelly...sweet dreams of all the dead Iraqi children....hope ya sleep well
walksthedesert1: nellyi get laid every night
nellyandlynn: I bet Walks lost his PECKER in VIETNAM and that is why he is SOOOOOOOOO ANGERED
SpiritoftheRuins: how typical of these nelly its about getting laid, to roamer its about jesus
gofigure_1: nelly...that was fucking damn well cruel...u asshole
walksthedesert1: i thought you was leaving nelly
Betty1861: nelly tsk tsk tsk
SpiritoftheRuins: that's how nelly supports troops
WhiteRoseSociety: shame on Nelly. Go on the Fox show
nellyandlynn: Leaving to have sex Walks.....LMAO....think about us having an Awesome Sexual experience like you do always, as you suck on your MIC

Hmm. Now I think nellyandlynn might have challenged walks to a debate as an overture for a little menage a trois. I think I may have to crack open my skull and brillo-pad my cerebral cortex smooth to scrape out the awful image of nellyandlynn spawning with itself. Oh, my...all the...tentacles...the slime...what is that, no...stay's looking at me, IT'S LOOKING AT ME! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!


