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Thursday, March 16, 2006


Due to the round earth thing, I always seem to crash into our American cousins at times of vulnerabilty, .. either insomniac or woken up by the barking of dogs , their psyche at its lowest and their faculties undersugared....what other explanation can there be for poor Student86?? Which is exactly twice his IQ number.

Student inhabits a world where the lights are dimmed and the constant gurgle of the tubes feeding the diazapram is the bass riff of his daily life. It is sad, but designer drugs CAN and DO work sometimes, so we can only hope. Student's latest cri de coeur is a longing to make contact with Somali vets... naturally, I was able to assist in this quest , and directed him to Tweetle (aka Dandruff Flake ) who, as we know , built his own Blackhawk from found material on the streets of Seattle and catapulted himself into Somalia regaled in a tutu and a jam tin hat lo these many years ago. The only problem , as I pointed out to Student, is that Tweets thinks he was also with Kitchener in the Sudan, and in the Zulu wars, and the Seige at Spion Kopje... some say he also thinks he marched back with Napoleon from Moscow...some say that Student actually IS Tweetle, but this is disputed due to Students frail grasp on spelling. Tweets has NO grasp on spelling whatsoever.

I suspect that Student86 is going to float himself in the very near future as Somali vet (mark 2 )so watch this space.

Hi falutin dragged herself up on her hind legs to scream her lust for Dubya yet again... it had the unlikely effect of making even Brutie and Archie ( those great yobs) reel back. It certainly had an effect on my little dog, Mango, who immediately stood up on her hind legs and howled..

2/way( the USS CAINE) was in disarray this morning as Captain Voo ( Queeg) against all the medic's advice, took the helm and became maddened to an alarming degree over a crewmans idle remark re Palestine. The balls began to rattle, the officers hid behind the smokestack , the OOD tried to hide in the engine room and the crew went over the side on hawsers and are currently AWOL. All Ensigns of the Caine are now on permanent KP and the ship itself has been assigned convoy garbage collection detail for an unspecified time.

