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Saturday, March 04, 2006


While I am a fan of the colorful writing style of our sister publication, The Social Issues Tattler, it's just impossible to let this slide by without comment. The Tattler:

It is often said that if you didn't know history, you didn't know anything. You were a leaf that didn't know it was part of a tree.

Karl has a nemesis that is driving him stark raving bonkers. Karl would rather vote republican than have to deal another day with demathi. Yet again today, these two went at it. Karl was regurgitating his rhetoric when Demathi slammed Karl to the mat for a ten count, and then ripped his tongue out, before running it up the flag pole. Once again Karl made the ludicrous comparison between Hitler and George Bush. Demathi would have none of it. Demathi pointed out, there can be no comparison between Hitler and Bush, because Hitler was indeed a monster, and Hitler and Bush are as far apart as Karl and common sense. Karl said, "KARL d-Az...understand this statement. I believes that Bush is a MONSTER. Bush advocates torture.Bush makes war" Karl then said Hitler was a fascist and communist, but never a socialist, and this is where demathi destroyed Karl in text, so much so, that all of Karl's supporters sat silent knowing Karl was dead wrong and caught at lying. Even Peppi said nothing, which was truly a historical event. Demathi said:

demathi: The National Socialist German Workers Party, better known as the NSDAP or the Nazi Party was a political party that was led to power in Germany by Adolf Hitler in 1933.

demathi: After Hitler's appointment as Chancellor and the democratic election of the party to lead the German government in 1933, the NSDAP organized and established the Third Reich. Hitler was not only a socialist in his own day but he would even be a mainstream socialist in most ways today.

Poor deluded dumb Karl, your time of preaching ignorance to the unenlightened, has come to an end. Hopeless Romantic and Jay picked the last remaining remnants of meat from Karl's bones before the circling vultures landed.

Now, I can well understand the Tattler's desire to "get" Karl d-Az. Even though the Tattler's author is fond of equal opportunity trashing of all and sundry, it isn't hard to detect the distinct conservative bias. Much like his smell, The Tattler isn't going to be able to hide his slant behind creative writing ability. And in this case, his eagerness to go after Karl has caused him to trip up on his own feet and fall belly-first on his own shiv. As the Tattler bleeds out, let's talk about his errors.

Far be it from me to comment one way or the other on the relative merits of Bush v. Hitler. Although Bush is clearly the most inept, incompetent, mendacious and dishonest president in modern memory, I don't think he's quite in Hitler's league, as the premeditated extermination of 6 million jews pretty much vaults you into your own special category.

That being said, however, I can only cover my mouth and chuckle as the PT Beagle Boys, demathi, jay_156 and HopelessRomantic4U, try to match wits with someone like Karl. Having only the one wit to share between the three of them is a significant disadvantage. I imagine Karl would have more to fear from these three miniscule talents in this duel if they could avoid tumbling over each other.

To begin with, and really, this is just about the beginning and end of the argument, Hitler was, in fact, no socialist. A socialist is someone who believes that the means of production should be owned by all workers in common. Therefore, a true socialist might believe that, even though a centralized authority might control the economy as an intermediary step, the true goal should always be ownership by all in common.

Now, this is the part where lesser minds, like those of demathi, jay, and Hopeless, get confused. It is simply accepted as common sense by most, and is clearly far too complex an idea for some, that Hitler took control of an ostensibly socialist party and used their rhetoric to lead it to eventual power. In no sense other than in its name was the National Socialist German Workers Party actually socialist under Hitler. As is apparent by his actions after assuming power, Hitler had no intention of working for socialist ideals.

Now, I think the problem can be summed up this way. Neither demathi, jay_156, nor HopelessRomantic4U (and by extension, the lazy mind behind the Tattler) are able to comprehend that Adolf Hitler might have been -gasp- dishonest! That he might have -the horror- used socialist rhetoric to acheive and maintain power, while actually thoroughly ignoring socialist ideals. Kind of like the communists did in Russia. Kind of why Karl said that Hitler might well be both fascist (the state is supreme) and communist (state control of the economy), but was no socialist (people control means of production).

I'll try to help demathi, et al out here. For future reference: not every state that has "Democratic" in it's name is democratic. The "People's Republic of -blank-" doesn't necessarily give any power to actual people. And if someone tries to sell you a slightly used bridge, take a pass, ok?



Anonymous said...

The Tatttler is your "Sister publication"? I think not. Your blog sucks. It's not even NEAR being in the same league. You even had to rip off the name. What a lame ass you are. Lame blog written by a lame ass. And nobody reads it either. The Tatttler has over 40,000 hits. Your lame ass blog only has 6000. Hell nobody is even reading this comment I'm posting...ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Unknown said...

That may well be true, but you're here, aren't you? Don't you feel lame now...

Anonymous said...

A socialist is someone who believes that the means of production should be owned by all workers in common. Therefore, a true socialist might believe that, even though a centralized authority might control the economy as an intermediary step, the true goal should always be ownership by all in common.

The means of production is either privately-owned/controlled or state-owned/controlled. If it is owned "by the workers" then the means of production is owned privately and is hence capitalism. If it is owned or controlled by the state, then it is socialism.

Every example of modern socialism -- from public schools to public housing -- is where the state owns or controls the means of production. Without the state, socialism is a non-concept.

Unknown said...

That's an interesting thought, hermit, but I think that when you are trying to differentiate between what Hitler wanted and what a hypothetical "rulership by proletariat" would be, you have to break the definition down more.

Hitler might well have wanted state ownership of industry, but almost certainly not with the eventual goal that all workers would decide in common on broad issues of the economy. An authoritarian dictator wants control to reside with himself and his cronies, not with the workers as a whole.

I can't really agree with your first assertion, though. Ownership of industry by all workers in common is not "private" ownership, it is the eventual goal of Marxism, that the proletariat as a group has vested power. At least, that's what I've been led to believe.
