If you've been living on Pluto for the last few days, (and sorry, by the way, for them downgrading your home to Subplantetoid AlphaBetaNiner) you may have missed Bill Clinton dropping the Mighty Warhammer of Justice on the brittle skull of Fox News' Chris Wallace:
The interview starts slowly, covering Clinton's new charity work, but when Wallace brings some mealy-mouthed nonsense about Clinton ignoring Bin Ladin, The Big Dog sliced him up bloodier than The Bride left the Crazy 88 in Kill Bill. And by that I mean slippery floors, severed limbs, and a lot of screaming.
And you know what impressed me the most? Bill was willing to admit that he feels like he failed, because he was not able to kill Osama. You could see he was genuinely sorry, much like Richard Clarke was, testifying before the 9/11 Commission. When has Bush ever behaved like he was sorry for anything? Was he sorry for demoting Clarke and never having a counterterrorism meeting until days before the attack? No. Was he sorry for ignoring the August 6th PDB? No. In the end, Clinton was absolutely right. At least he tried.
Search Ratttler
Monday, September 25, 2006
lol yeh he did a great job of confirming everything we allready know,,,he failed.haha
by the way claus,, site looks great,,nice format
I loved the smackdown! Wallace knew what he was doing by opening with that question. I thought that was pretty shitty of him. But!! It also gave Clinton a chance to defend himself and point out that he did more than this administration has done to find Bin Laden.
I just had a deja vu...errr what was that you said Mr. Bush "not being worried about Osama bin Laden"? Bush was not worried about Osama, why are right wingers wondering why Clinton didn't catch Osama? "So I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you", this is what Bush has said, so why is it such a big deal now to wonder what Clinton did? Bush had a plan given to him and more cooperation from Pakistan than Clinton did. He has supposedly made it easier for the FBI and CIA to communicate with the Homeland Insecurity Agency. (which Clinton was the mastermind behind this project, but they managed to screw that up too with poor leadership) what is the excuse for him not finding Osama yet? or 3 years ago?
Just as Bush said Clinton admitted his failures, now will this administration admit to it's failures by going into Iraq? I think not. They want to ignore commission findings and keep going on lies. Why don't the conservatives own up to their own failures during the Clinton administration? They are the reason Osama was not caught, not Clinton.
It takes a MAN to admit your own failure. It takes clown and a failure to blame "the other guy". Well Done JC !! and well done Clinton. He has proved his worth again and again. Conversely, Bush has proven his failures again and yet again....
Ole Billy Boy shook his finger in the camera years ago and said he "didnt have sex with that woman", just like he did yesterday. He lied then, too.
Jay, in politics, fair is fair. But, responsibility is another thing. Republicans need to take responsibility for their double dealings in the Middle East that has gone back as far as Reagan. I wish Bush.Sr was put on the hotseat so his failures could be put in his face.
We can play the game of pass the buck forever, but it is still not going to make us any safer thanks to Bush and his cronies. This leaked intelligence report that people are saying that the Democrats are attacking Gop with should have been released in April. Will it show that the "fly paper" theory that many people brushed off as absurb will show Bush and Rumsfeld in their true light? Will it show their solution for solving the terrorism problem was to lure Al Qaida into Iraq? Making our troops and Iraqi civillians sitting ducks? Jay how dare you defend a man that played such a game with human lives and those especially of our troops. All he had to do was stay the course in Afghanistan to solve the Osama problem. Nobody can ever stop terrorism, but Clinton did say it best that you have to get the cells and have good intelligence. Which we do not have at the moment. Even if we did, Bush has created a monster in the Middle East. One thing Bush has accomplished in his almost seven years in the White House, he has made many men in the world very very wealthy. Wtg Bush!!! You took care of your pioneers, but what about the American people???? I can't wait for the day, and I hope I live long enough to witness Bush go back to his ranch or his true home, Connecticut, and drink himself to death.
P.S. Anonymous Poster? Do you want to go that place of lies that Bush has spewed? Do you really want to go there? It was none of your business who Clinton was fucking, that was between him and his wife. Not the whole world. All of those millions of dollars trying to figure out if he had sex with that woman. PMSL, what is wrong with you conservatives? There were bigger issues in 90's that had to be dealt with, but yet again, Repubs care about their own agendas, not the American people. Clinton is not the first president to get a blowjob in the White House, and he most certainly won't be the last. But, I have to say, I would have rather had the Monica scandal on his watch , than Gannongate. So what, Clinton got a blowjob from a woman, in time will we find out that Bush was getting a blowjob from Jeff Gannon? History will tell all, especially when the books come out, lol.
Jay, I believe in karma. Bush is a vile person, so he should get what he has put out. I hope it is slow and painful. You know really very little about me, so you can't judge how I think people should get their just rewards. If Bush showed some sort of compassion or love of humanity (that is not fabricated) I would feel differently. I don't see this. Sorry Jay, but I was not around a thousand years ago, so I couldn't speak up then, now I can. The Iraqi people should not be treated like this. So, it's ok to do to them what Saddam did to them? Are we any better than al qaeda? What does history have to do with this administration taking responsibility for their actions? Do you see what we are doing to the innocents in the Middle East as any different than what they are doing to their own? The USA provides these weapons to use on civillians, then you wonder why they are using them, wtf. They place druglords in power and make deals with devils. You are the one that needs to wake up Jay. You, like all Men in history love to have perpetual war in the name of greed, lust, religion and vanity. You are sad Jay, because you do not see past your patriotism. To be quite honest Jay, I really do not care what you think of me or any liberal. You are the one that is laughed at, because you are a sheep. Bahhh Bahhhh!
Who is Chris Oberman, jay?
Jay, I mentioned nothing about the behavior or the crimes of the troops. READ AGAIN...If anything I am criticizing military leadership. I am criticizing the USA administration for placing our troops in Iraq. Our government used these people and our troops to bring al qaeda to Iraq. I am referring to the thousands of years of treatment these people of Iraq have endured. The USA is just another regime that has chosen to control the people of Iraq. While you are using that brush, do you think that you can paint freedom on a group of people that have to learn to stand up and demand freedom? It is impossible. But, then when these people realise the true reason we invaded their country and they do stand up for their homeland, they are labeled 'insurgents'. How can they possibly win. One thing I do expect Jay, is that, when a soldier commits a crime, he/she should be held responsible for that crime. As should any government that condones torture and rape. Americans are not above the law. When you adapt to this mentality you are nothing more than a barbarian or animal. No better than any other terrorist.
Jay get off the liberal labeling kick, it is getting old, really and boring. Every American that stands up for human rights and justice is a liberal? Hmmm, that says alot about you Jay, it really does. Does calling me or any other person that speaks up for the rights of people a liberal ease your guilt? Jay, let the guilt go. I'm sure the weight of crimes and inhumanity has got to be quite heavy. It is ok to say "I was wrong to support Bush, but I am human". If you feel you have no guilt Jay (which I would find impossible)perhaps one day you will have the opportunity to talk to Iraq Vets years from now, when they are finally released from their prison terms, i.e. tours of duty, in Iraq. You ask them how they feel about being lied to. How they cope. How their families cope. Ask them how the government treated them. Ask them about their guilt Jay.
I only have one Question...... Is Jay always as dumb as he sounds????? OMG!!! LMFAO
Jay, may I suggest some anger managment classes. Jay, don't you realizee with your rude remarks and apathic ways, you are harming your party more than any of us could?
Jay, do you no longer have the ability to debate issues, is personal attacks all you have left? It truly saddens me to see you like this Jay and I am not being Facetious, there are very few conservatives I had respect for and once upon a time you fitted into that. Now you are nothing more than a hater and one that spews BS without facts.
What happened to you?
Michell well written as always ty.
YVW Muse :)
I'm going to try to be fair here, but honest at the same time.
I looked at the transcript, at least the part that triggered Clinton's anger. I don't know the history of what he did during his two terms, nor am I inclined, really, to look into it so as to be able to pass any sort of judgement on his performance.
But, and I respect that some might disagree with this, I've usually found Wallace to be, if not fair, than at least willing to not soft ball the present administration. But I must also admit that his question was accusatory. Had he kept it in the tone of asking on behalf of FNS viewers and what the 9/11 Commission Report supposedly said, it might have been fair, but he changed it from that into asking Clinton why he was "inept." Whether or not someone agrees with that implication being made, it is offensive, and, though I think Clinton might have been able to handle it better, I do understand his anger. In the end, I'm more disappointed in Mr. Wallace than anything else.
Eff, I totally agree with you. I do blame Wallace for his obvious attempts to create controversy. At the same time, I am glad he did, and I am glad that Clinton did not side step the questions, like President Bush does. In regards to the controversy, why don't they get a panel from both sides of the issue to appear before the American people and debate the issue. Fairly.
Jay it is unfair because when Clinton was in office there was a republican congress that blocked progress of his Omnibus Counterterrorism Legislation. If you read it, you will find out what Clinton was trying to do to target the funding of terrorism and to create better cooperation between the FBI and CIA. You have to have cooperation from nations that harbor terrorists. Such as Pakistan, that just started working with the USA after 9/11 and is still a problem. Did you expect Clinton to invade every country he thought was a threat? We would be in a bigger mess than what we are now with Iraq. Bush Sr. had the opportunity to take care of the problem in the Middle East, he could have made it easier for these doors to be open, he did not. Unless Clinton did everything illegally, like Bush does, he could not get anything done. If Clinton had made the moves that Bush is making ( alot of illegal activity) he would have already been impeached and hung up by his balls. Like I said before, it is not just a matter of passing the buck, it is a matter that we have had a useless republican congress in the White House for almost two decades. This is the reason why we are failing militarily , economically, and environmentally. Just because I am an American, that does not mean I have to agree to pay taxes to fund unjust wars and invasions. If people cannot see what this administration and these political parties are doing to our nation, you have to be blind.
I do not expect you to understand this Jay because you have too much hatred in you to see beyond your patriotism. You might think liberals hate their country, you are way off base. I love my country, it is beautiful and lovely, but being destroyed. This hurts Jay. It is not about how many terrorists we kill in Iraq, it is about survival of this civilization. Will you be happy when Americans fight Americans on our soil? Is it that important to you to support liars and criminals just to be supreme? You ask why Mr. Bush has to face accusations? Jay, we pay him, he is accountable to US, not his corporate whores. Do you not understand this? Jay, for the sake of debate, so we can really be fair. Could you please list the accusations against Bush? List them here for a debate, and we can work out fact from fiction. List the myth's and conspiracies and we will discuss them, with people providing facts and proof. Isn't that reasonable? If Clinton, who is not president, btw, is put on the hotseat, let's put Bush on the hotseat too?
Jay, I admit to generally disliking conspiracy theories. why I do is another matter, but I admit that I do.I don't know, either, which man is better, Bush or Clinton, but the issues being discussed here is Wallace's professionalism, and Clinton's reaction to his question. There's debate out there as to the veracity of what he says he did, and what the present administration says he did. But, on the issue I feel most comfortable commenting on, I do think that Wallace could have done a better job. I don't see him as having hidden behind FNS viewers, as Olbermann asserts, but I do think his question was accusatory. In my view he did this; introduced some public interest, phrased their question in a more reasonable manner than they might have, but then turned, or reverted, the question into a loaded one.
I understand your wanting to do it, but discussing conspiracies against Bush and alleged double standards can be seen as a red herring.
Jay you have me mixed up with someone else..... I seldom post and as far as I have heard you are considered a Paltalk joke. No one takes your babbling seriously .......lol, grow up boy!!
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