Once again, our hapless jay156 demonstrates for all the world to see just how much the unfettered amateur he really is. His prepubescent tantrums are growing in frequency and are increasingly wanting of gravamen. His are the rantings of a desperate, scared little boy seeking the attention of the grown-ups.
Jay is one of the many neocon nitwits who goes to extraordinary lengths to feign superior acumen in an effort to carry on a "meaningful" conversation with adults; however, when the moment of truth is at hand, jay delivers one of his neocanned obloquials and lets the proverbial cat out of the bag: jay suffers from a permanent case of the dumbass (not to mention he is the commensurate coward)! His comments in this forum are a testament to that conclusion.
Jay simply needs to act and think like an adult rather than a child - he needs to lay off of his momma's breast milk and be a real man and not the impotent eunuch he absconds by playing "tough guy" in blogs and chat rooms. Jay just isn't credible and is even less convincing.
I think William Shakespeare sums jay up quite nicely: "[He] shows a will most incorrect to heaven, a heart unfortified, a mind impatient, [and] an understanding simple and unschool'd."
As a matter of fact - that applies to all neocons. And I've made jay feel all special. How clumsy of me!
Search Ratttler
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Sounds to me like you're the one running scared. Jay must rule your little kingdom or else you wouldn't have devoted an entire post to him. Kinda sad actually. Your anger really is a pathetic sight.
Vac, I couldn't agree more, and thank you.
anonymous, have you bother reading jay's remarks to threads here at all? Look at WE ARE PATRIOTS!!! look at his responses there. See what he does, when myself and others show him proof against his ravings. I would strongly suggest that you take a look at Jay's BS, before you go defending him. He is NOT helping your party at all.
~~~~~Forever A Factious Pain~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~Sweet Smiles~~~~~~~~~~
Vacreeper again thank you :o)
haaaaaaaaa Jay doesn't think cheerleaders are smart!
Facetious you just showed your complete and utter ignorance by saying ... "I would strongly suggest that you take a look at Jay's BS, before you go defending him. He is NOT helping your party at all." .....What party would that be faceious? I never mentioned my party. I would "strongly suggest" you get your head out your ass because you're thinking like shit.
Anonymous, with your little cheering of Jay, and your use of personal attacks, it doesn't take much to figure out your party, now does it? If you are not a neocon or republican please correct me, wait you can't do that, you have decided to hide your id. Oh well I gave you a chance to say you weren't one.
BTW have you seen any of Jay's remarks? I will hope you haven't and that you are just an inoccent person that thought they were correcting a unjustified attack on someone.
But do you think you and Jay both could learn how to talk as mature adults without all the vulgar language?
I mean I know there is freedom of speech and if you wish to continue speaking as a teen, that is your right. But most times when one feels the need to be vulgar, others just blow them off. This can keep others from hearing you when and if you have something important to share.
Just a helpful suggestion :o)
~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~Sweet Smile~~~~~~~~~~
facetious once again you've set your ignorance bar even higher.
Your quote: "But do you think you and Jay both could learn how to talk as mature adults without all the vulgar language?"
Re-read my comments facetious. Can you find ONE vulgarity? Not one. But your anger has made you too blind to see that. Should you be posting in this blog? You seem somewhat unstable
Actually I can, hmm lets see
head out your ass because you're thinking like shit.
And who ever said one had to be stable to write for The Rattler? Dealing with neonuts all day can get on anyone's nerves.
BTW I think that you might be confusing me with someone that actually puts any merit in what someone that choses to hide their nic thinks.
But thank you for caring.
~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Sweetest Smiles~~~~~~~~~
Well I guess that puts facetious firmly in his place....HAHAHAHAHA
Jay, who do you think you are kidding?
I ripped you a new one in We Are Patriots.
1st, you didn't systematically explained why the dogshit in "We are patriots" was incorrect.
You only touched upon a few issues I mentioned and when I replied back to your ravings, showing you proof (I know a hard word for neonuts to understand) what did you do Jay? Come on be a man and tell everyone what you did, you just used vulgarity and insults. And then when I asked you why you didn't touch on the many other issues I brought up, did you respond? Anyone that has read that thread knows that I'm speaking the truth.
Jay, wow you really are losing it, is this what happens to neonuts when their great leader of lies is going down? Do neonuts have any other recourse than insults, do you guys not have a lick of proof to back up your rantings?
I know silly questions to ask of someone that still thinks Iraq had something to do with 9-11.
As a side note, of course JC loves this and if I was you before I went around taking credit for any traffic to The Rattler, check The Rattler, there are many threads that have way more comments than any you have replied on, but hey if it helps you feel important go for it.
Also how does it feel to be someone's whore? I mean you said in earlier comment that JC, well hell let me quote you "he {JC} is using you {Isa} to get people here to read his site...nothing more...and if he has to add a little housewife drama to do it, he's a whore, so be it...." So now you have became JC's whore, right? You are now being "used by JC, right? These aren't my words, they are yours.
~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Sweetest Smiles~~~~~~~~~
Oh one moe thing, where did I say profanity is by no means proof of "having no argument or intelligence"?
What I said was But most times when one feels the need to be vulgar, others just blow them off. This can keep others from hearing you when and if you have something important to share.
Leave it to a neonut to spin.
~~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~~
~~~~~~Sweetest Smiles Just 4 U~~~~
Anonymous, facetious firmly in his place? Ok now I understand why neonuts believes everything Dubya tells them, they can't even tell the difference between a female and male.
BYW, in case no one ever told you, Jay has been quoted as saying he can't stand cheerleaders ;o)
~~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~~
facetious you're posting like you're reliving an old High School football game where you got your 33 seconds of fame. That in itself shows who won this battle of words.
Yo, anonymous! Can't you read? Wait, what a silly question to ask you. Let me try to exlain this to you slower
ME, WOMAN (An adult female person {as opposed to a man})
YOU, HALFWIT (A person of subnormal intelligence)
Get it yet? Thats ok, I know it's hard, but keep trying, you'll get it right one day.
~~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~~
Being female doesn't make you a woman. Lady Attis didn't teach you that? And "it's" on your team of libs ... LMAOOOO
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