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Wednesday, November 23, 2005



We're tryng a little tough love for the PT wingnuts tonight. I read from a post I originally found on Hullabaloo by tristero. He correctly noted that a wingnut's faith in Bush is based on an emotional ego attachment, and that wingnuts xlearly know that Bush lied about Iraq. Their egos just can't take the blow of admitting it. So tristero recommends simply repeating the message, as follows:

Brutelogic: papa.......youre out of material........ty
Jesus Claus: The president is a liar.
KARL d-Az: Brute BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
tucherb: bush/ president lied
Brutelogic: ?
Brutelogic: lol
KARL d-Az: Brute BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
CooolAndy: So if he stole the election that would mean the president is a liar
nellyandlynn: President Bush Might be a Liar, But I know for SUREEEEEEEEEEEEEE...WALKSTHEDESERT ...ISSSSSSSSSSSSSS A LIAR
KARL d-Az: Brute BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
Jesus Claus: The president is a liar.
Brutelogic: NONE
dennis the menace_1: Wrong, Brute, BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
tucherb: bush/ president, of the united states of america LIED
Brutelogic: google?
Brutelogic: lol
KARL d-Az: Brute BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
KARL d-Az: Brute BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
Brutelogic: lol
CooolAndy: Brute have you ever thought that maybe the president is a liar
Brutelogic: andy.......dont see the evidence
KARL d-Az: Brute BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
dennis the menace_1: Wrong, Brute, BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
Brutelogic: Karl.......wont work here......... OPINION
KARL d-Az: Brute BUSH LIED . . . . FACT
dennis the menace_1: Wrong, Brute, BUSH LIED . . . . FACT

Now, you may well think this has about as much chance of success as drilling through a 3 foot lead wall with a Cheeto. And you may well be right. But maybe this, like the steady drip of water torture against the forehead, maybe we can fracture the brain inside. Brute may be left a gibbering lunatic, and that would violate every tenet of psychological testing protocols as laid out by Institutional Review Boards, but that is a chance I'm willing to take. And he'd still be making more sense than Bush.

Ok, the loon just took the mic, and ere are his arguments: 1. Hillary and Bill CLinton wanted to pass a health care plan, but it was blocked by Congress, therefore they lied about wanting a health care plan. (?) 2. If Bush is a liar, why isn't he up on impeachment charges? (um...because the House is controlled by his party) Where do you go to get arguments this puerile? This is the debate equivalent of a monkey flinging his poo at you. The monkey's happy, you're sad and bemused, and the poo is having the time of it's life. You should try it. Have someone pick you up and throw you. Or, using empty paper towel rolls and duct tape, construct a 50 foot catapult. I'll wait. What did I tell you? Being flung is fun. You're welcome.

Northland has it 100% right:

Northland _: <--- No longer discuss the reasons for the war.... I feel stupid even debate it

Damn straight. Never debate with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Karl is laying out the entire sordid story of the yellowcake affair. Brutelogic is still trying to convince us that Joe Wilson lied. Interesting. At least Brute can comprehend the concept of lying. I was beginning to wonder if this was simply a failure of language to convey meaning. Every time Karl lays out yet another example of Bush saying something that contradicts reality, Brute says "Nuh uh, that isn't a lie." I was starting to feel like Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride. "Brute, you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


