
Search Ratttler

Monday, November 28, 2005


Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I just talked to Cindy Sheehan! I'm never going to wash this ear again. Not that I washed it much to begin with. Ok, I wallow in filth people, give me a break. Karl d-Az, known in the meat world as Karl Leuba, now has an interview show on Stardust Radio, and tonight his guest was the Peace Mom, Cindy Sheehan. And I talked to her! How cool is that.

I asked her about the new ordinances Crawford passed to keep them from protesting at Camp Casey, and she said that they intended to fight those laws as unconstitutional restrictions on free speech. I wish her luck, and hope she doesn't have to get arrested too many times to make it happen. Anyway, I have to go run around flapping my hands like a little schoolgirl from excitement. I may need to lie down later with a cool washcloth over my eyes.


