
Search Ratttler

Monday, November 21, 2005


(flalady and her new husband driller in matching halloween costumes? serving customers at their newly opened dollar store)

Today I got a job ,decent pay, full time 40 hours a week with a great health insurance plan at an affordable cost , this I am glad about, very glad and extremely grateful. What disturbs this pissed off American greatly about it is this ....................The job is at a dollar store.
In my area of the country dollar stores and low cost general stores are the fastest growing business BECAUSE VERY FEW CAN AFFORD TO GO ANYWHERE ELSE TO GET WHAT THEY NEED! With the expected loss of another 30,000 jobs from GM how many more of these below walmart cost havens for the newly poor and unemployed are going to show up nationwide? And how many of their employees are going to be as lucky as I am and the other people I will be working with to be employed by a retired physician with a great understanding for the need of making health care and full time employment available to the community? Sadly and most likely not many.

