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Sunday, November 13, 2005


The rabble is roused

The villagers have grabbed their torches and pitchforks and marched up the steep, stony path to Castle Mainstream. Wingnuts have swarmed into the room, grumbling and harrumphing. Muttering "Clinton's Penis", and "No lies, same intel," the villagers slam their fists against the heavy door. Mad Dr. Vookenstein slowly pulls the door ajar. "What the fuck are you people smoking?!" he yells at them. At least the brighter ones have the sense to look ashamed.

TheGeneral_ insists over and over that Clinton is a rapist. You can just imagine TheGen, wide eyed from days of not sleeping, slowly twisting his gummed fists around his Clinton's Penis dildo. He made the mistake of climbing into the drained swimming pool for a logical knife fight with Voo. A few seconds later, TheGen is desperately staunching the flow from his shredded arm as Voo calmly snicks closed his straight razor. The verdict? TheGen leads with an argument from ignorance, (if Bush is a liar why is he not indicted for lying?) then he starts in with what to him must seem like a checkmate move. (How can you say Bush is an idiot and that he lied and fooled everyone?) Um, a person can be dumb and also lie convincingly. Look at Sean Hannity. And no one said Cheney was stupid. Hell, the most likely scenario has always been that Cheney and the White House Iraq Group stovepiped intel, snowed Bush, and got the war they always dreamed of. Voo slashes him to ribbons. Brutal.

Unseen by most, the wingnuts have wheeled their old Spinbot 3000 into the room. Nicknamed nonny_1_2, this battered and dented machine spews GOP talking points from a tinny monaural speaker. You know this is an older model, because the debunked spin has not been updated. A sampling:

nonny_1_2: the democrats elected a member of the klu klux klan to the senate... grand kleagle robert bird
nonny_1_2: never get on in a bus that is driven by ted kennedy... especialy if its going over a bridge
nonny_1_2: clinton sent tainted blood to canada when he was govenor... lots of people got hepatitis and aids from it
nonny_1_2: if the troops think the war is so bad,,, why did cindy sheehans son reenlist to ge back over to iraw?
nonny_1_2: wison wasn't right... the senate committee found him to be wrong
nonny_1_2: if the mission was sooooo important to niger.. why did the CIA send an ashole like wilson... what do we pay cia agents for????

This stuff is priceless. Someday, someone will gather all of the repuke spin from this era into a book. It will be called Were They Ever So Dumb?

Speaking of mindless robots, how great is this formulation from MosesKnows:

MosesKnows: president bush did not lie.....if you believe something it is not a lie.

What an interesting choice. If he lied he's a bad leader. But if he believed something that he should have known was untrue, then he's merely a fool. Apparently fervently believing something is an excuse for being a total fucking incompetent. I'd love to live in this magical fairyland MK inhabits. I'd get all A's and never get in trouble for screwing up my job. We function by Tinkerbell rules here: When you wish upon a star, makes no difference (how fucking important your job is) who you are, when you wish upon a star, your dream (of invading a Middle Eastern on false pretenses and doctored evidence) comes truuuuuuuuuue!

We are very lucky to have people like Buddy_Romance, walksthedesert1, and ProPeace in the room to push back against this nonsense. It's hard work, as Chimpy would say, beating the same tired talking points down again and again, day after day, but those guys are always game. So, uh, in the Dr. Vookenstein metaphor from above, that makes those guys...hmmm...Igor, I guess. Or the hot girl played by Teri Garr in Young Frankenstein. Ok, not good, just pictured walksthedesert1 in a dress. Some things you just can't unsee.


PS - You know I love ya, right walks? Don't sue me, like some other guy we won't mention...

