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Friday, November 18, 2005


Via Talking Points Memo, more developments in the Jack Abramoff saga. The WaPo reports:

Michael Scanlon, a former top congressional aide who became a partner of high-flying lobbyist Jack Abramoff, was charged today with conspiracy to bribe government officials and cheat Indian tribes out of millions of dollars.

The government officials were not named in the court papers filed by U.S. prosecutors in the District, but details of the gifts and legislative favors provided by an official identified as "Representative #1" match the alleged actions of Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Administration Committee.


The charge was detailed in a court document known as a "criminal information" -- a process that often precedes a plea-bargain arrangement with a cooperating witness. Officials familiar with the investigation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Scanlon has agreed to plead guilty and cooperate in the ongoing bribery and public corruption investigation of Abramoff, members of Congress and executive branch officials.

This is an indication that prosecutors have begun to crumble the wall thrown up around Abramoff. This slimy lobbyist has been at the center of the Republican fund raising machine for decades. The Fitzgerald investigation may ultimately net some high-level scalps, but if Abramoff rolls on his Republican insider buddies, including Tom Delay, that will eventually have a more widespread effect in rolling up the tendrils of Republican corruption.


