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Thursday, November 24, 2005


If I had a nickel for every time a wingnut lied...

Ok, what's the deal with this?

MrArchieBunker: Poor Fonsie
MrArchieBunker: Poor Claus
MrArchieBunker: Poor Fonsie
MrArchieBunker: Poor Karl

My first name isn't "Poor." Is this some kind of verbal tic? Or an appellation of respect, like "Don," before names in Latin America? It's all well and good for Arch to pity us so much, but it can't be healthy for him to be so empathetic, can it? Everything is "poor," this and "poor," that. Damn, find a new word, Arch, the wheels are coming off of that one.

I know, I'll get to work right away on Poor Claus' Almanac. Now, to think of some witty aphorisms for my book. Hmm...Uhhhh...errrrr...dammit, thinking up aphorisms is hard. Ok, I got one: "Argue not with wingnuts, for life is short enough, and the bounty of their idiocy is unlimited." I like it. Ben Franklin wrote a lot of aphorisms about not wasting time, and what could be more of a time waster than trying to explain reality to a wingnut?


