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Sunday, November 13, 2005


Paltalk conservative poses for a Glamour Shot

I just stumbled into coffee shop talk to find that GreatOne_, who for some reason I remember as being completely insane, is up on the mic talking about a recent study that shows a correlation between religiosity and poor social indicators. For him to throw that red meat out in a room like this, I imagine Steve Irwin, the Croc hunter, saying, "Crikey, that Mama Croc is at least 40 feet long! I think I'm gonna stand two feet in front of her and kick her in the snout. Let's see what happens..."

Some people aren't liking this too much, like Larry-007, Old Joe X10, and campingfool. Most of the room seems to be rolling over like a snoozing rhino, listening blearily to the buzzing noise, and collapsing back into snores. Maybe it's a little too early for real high dudgeon over this. Which is a real shame, since a PalTalk room without carnage is like a fish without his bicycle. Assuming, in this case, an anthropomorphic fish. Who rides a bicycle. Look, it's really early in the morning, they can't all make sense.

grunto has awoken, and has told the room that, contrary to the opinion of the majority of Americans, we are fighting terrorists, and only terrorists in Iraq. What flavor is the kool aid, grunto? This is pretty pathetic stuff. Most of the insurgents are Iraqis who want us to leave, but grunto is completely and blissfully unaware of that fact. Now he's trying to convince us that Saddam was involved with 9/11. Has grunto been in cryogenic freeze for two years? All of this nonsense has been debunked.

Well, I just got off the mic, and the hornets are not happy at all. It's fun to rattle the cages a little bit, but it's amazing how delusional these people are. ThominOH is wailing that since Bush won last November, what the majority think now doesn't matter. Hey, Thom, wait until the new majority votes Repuke liars out of the House. Then you can give us your opinion on the new impeachment proceedings. I'm genuinely confused sometimes by how often conservatives scream and stamp their feet. "You have no facts!"; "Americans voted for Bush, not Kerry!"; "The inspectors said there might be WMDs!" Yeah, and they might have finished the job if idiot-boy had let them.

Man, this is really a nest of vipers. I wonder where all these people are when Mainstream is open? They would be free to voice their thoughts or snipe in text, but I guess a steady exposure to the truth is like sunlight to these vampires. Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong kind of undead. I can just see Isabellah-1, Runnin Fer Cover, MosesKnows, and CatSavvy staggering through a devastated city street, smashed cars and shattered glass everywhere. With bloodied and broken bodies, the green-skinned zombies shuffle and sway with arms outstretched. "Braaaaaaaaaaaainnnnnnnsssssss, I wish I had braaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnsssssss......."


PS - Yes, GreatOne_ is still psychotic, just not apparently about religion.


Anonymous said...

Jesus?.. I do have brains !! dammit man... Don't you ever read THE TATTLER??? *hmmmph*
