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Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Where wingnuts live

We have a discovered a rare specimen in the room tonight. bosmike is The Conservative That Time Forgot. The rest of us have moved on and know enough to not rehash Repukelican lies. But bosmike, like a jungle-dwelling primate, has chewed up the spin, digested it, crapped a giant steaming pile, and is now busily shoveling handfuls of shit into his mouth, cooing with delight at the pungent taste.

He first got rolled on the issue of abortion. He piously intoned- pardon me, I misspoke. He didn't intone anything, because he's too much of a coward to take the mic and have a real debate. But as he furtively tapped out his message, pausing to cover his mouth and cackle with glee, he laid out his irrefutable argument: Abortion is murder. Fine, I ask him, so do you think we should arrest and jail mothers who have and doctors who perform abortions, bosmike? You're just a bitter atheist, JC! Really? Well, can you answer the question, mike? You're too obtuse and hebetudinous to understand my perspicaciousness, JC! Ok, mike we can see you can use a thesaurus, but can you answer a simple question...?

And so it went. I even challenged him on the mic, but to no avail. Like a tiny lizard, he froze in place, hoping no one would be able to pick him out of the environment. Very sad display, bosmike. But not surprising. Not one to be so easily defeated, though, bosmike waited until he imagined everyone had forgotten how badly he'd performed, and started challenging Nooogie to a debate about either economics or Israel. Naturally, Nooogie was more than happy to debate on mic with this troll. This is always a safe bet, of course, because trolls never defend themselves on mic. bosmike, in this case, made some pathetic excuse about not wanting to make noise in his home office. Sure, bosmike, we believe you. Now, don't let us catch you in another room later, crowing on the mic about how you beat a roomful of libbies on every topic.

Speaking of losing conservative arguments and issues from long ago resurrected from the tarpits, bosmike then started arguing in text that we should have privitized Social Security. He insisted that the Chilean system was a great success, even though we know that both they and the British people are now clamoring to go back to a public pension system because of the pitiful returns under the private regime. bosmike was even so silly as to resurrect the old canard about SS going insolvent in a few years. Hello, Earth to bosmike! That meme was slashed and burned about a year ago. Even if nothing were done, SS would be able to pay 80% of benefits forever. With minor changes, the system would be in perfect shape.

Can you believe we still have wingnuts trying out these old arguments? It's kind of like when I watched all the episodes of Firefly after I saw the movie Serenity. Now I have to wait a bit, until the memory of the episodes fade, before I can watch them again. Don't you have a favorite movie that you love, but you have to let a little time pass before you watch it again? It's like a horror movie, people. Just when you think you've finally offed the psycho killer, he jumps back up to attack again. The same is true of this loser, bosmike. Hopefully, we've jammed the stake in hard enough that he won't be around to bother us for awhile.

Phew, we're finally safe. bosmike is gone for good. Wait, look there! Wasn't that door open before? No, don't creep over there and slowly open the door to see what's behind it? Are you an idiot? We're in a horror movie! Ooooo, that looked like it hurt...



ononotagain said...

hebetudinous !!! Geeze mate, you are GOOD! I love having my intellect stretched!

Unknown said...

I can't take credit for that one. Aren't Thesauri great?
