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Friday, November 18, 2005


Via Think Progress, this disgusting statement by Jean Schmidt on the House floor. This is the woman who nearly lost to veteran Paul Hackett in Ohio. And now she is smearing and insulting Rep. Murtha, a respected and revered man who just spoke out against Bush's Folly:

Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) today on the House floor, speaking about Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), a decorated former Marine:

Yesterday I stood at Arlington National Cemetery attending the funeral of a young marine in my district. He believed in what we were doing is the right thing and had the courage to lay his life on the line to do it. A few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp, Ohio Representative from the 88th district in the House of Representatives. He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message, that cowards cut and run, Marines never do. Danny and the rest of America and the world want the assurance from this body – that we will see this through.

This sounds like something you'd hear on PT. But the people here are crazy, and a member of the House of Representatives should be worthy of respect. Jean Schmidt has shamed herself and her party.


UPDATE - As we listened to the debate on Duncan Hunter's resolution, MosesKnows hits us with this, referring to John Murtha:

MosesKnows: when was it during this debate that he was attacked? never...but she makes it sound as that is all there

Maybe you weren't listening, MK, but Jean Schmidt called the man a coward. And that was the worst, but by far not the only, smear against him. Disgusting.

