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Sunday, November 13, 2005


Via Think Progress, the best source on the web for real-time debunking of conservative lies, Keith Olbermann of MSNBC catches O'Lielly's site trying to erase history:

Someone at the O’Reilly website tried to cover that up — I can’t imagine why — removing the entire part about al Qaeda from the show’s transcript. Heads up to that enterprising individual: It’s on tape. Removing the words from the transcript doesn’t make the audio disappear.

So O'Lielly is so proud of his comments that his own website is trying to rewrite history. Pathetic, just pathetic. These bastards like O'Lielly, Coulter and Pat Robertson are all of a piece. They smear liberals as being "soft on terrorism", but have no trouble wishing harm on political opponents. It's disgusting and indefensible. And apparently O'Lielly knows it, because he wants to erase the record. Bill would like to bluster his way out of this, as he did on a recent wungnut radio show, but it's obvious that he'd rather this all just disappear.

Earlier this week, MrArchieBunker posted comments in Mainstream in support of O'Lielly's premise that San Francisco is unworthy of protection from terrorists. How that is different from supporting terrorism is a mystery to me, but Arch is hanging his hat on that distinction without a difference. Members of the PalTalk Chickenhawk Brigade act tough, and call liberals traitors, but a simple examination of their statements paints a different, more sinister, picture. Any American who can support or endorse a terrorist attack on any American city, or who would wish that on a city because of their "liberal, elitist ways" is sick in the core of their being. I don't expect MrArchieBunker to understand that, but I know our readers do.


