
Search Ratttler

Friday, November 11, 2005


So, I'm in a room this morning with GBLP, and it's an anti-Tattler room. Apparently the alcoholics and wife beaters of PalTalk are unhappy being held up to ridicule. Seeing as how I'm a big fan of ridicule, I'm not sure I agree. Maybe the alcoholics are mad about being called wife beaters and vice versa. No one ever accused that mean old Tattler of being a meticulous researcher, after all.

CharlesNewYork and Jim_44 compare it to a sniper, who camps in distant brush and picks people off in safe anonymity. Funny, seems more like a shotgun blast most of the time. And I wonder if Jim and Chuck realize that a person who jumps up and down, waving his arms and loudly complaining is likely to end up with a ventilated head.

I know I could hang out in this room for an hour and post up a panoply of PalTalk pathology, but hell, I don't want to pile on.


