
Search Ratttler

Friday, November 11, 2005


Well, I have witnessed atrocities in my day. The firebombing of Dresden, the Rape of Nanking, the supermarket being out of Cocoa Puffs, but never, never have I been so disgusted and mortified as I am with the actions of The Rattler earler today.

At approximately...five minutes ago, I published a vile and nigh unmentionable screed of horrific accusations and blatant falsehoods about myself. Not since Judy Miller's stories on Iraq's WMDs appeared in the New Yourk Times has a respectable publication sunk so low as to allow such reprehensible filth to sully its pages. The Rattler has forever consigned itself to the catacombs of gutter attack journalism.

I had supported the work of the Rattler in exposing and ridiculing the foolishness of other PalTalk chatters, but those posts were marked by diligent research and attention to detail. This, this outrageous, monstrous attack on my character is a harbinger of lowered standards at this otherwise fine publication. I regret that this trespass against my worthy character leaves me no choice but to join the boycott of The Rattler currently in effect and enforced by MrArchieBunker and Brutelogic, two fine gentleman who also happen to be gay lovers. Of sheep. Underage sheep.

As I will continue to write for The Rattler, in the future I will maintain the boycott by typing up all my posts with my eyes closed. Good day, sir(s) and/or madam(s).



Anonymous said...

You are shocked? Shocked? Why are you shocked? You have always been an idiotic, rabble of doubtful heritage drawn from the dregs of the earth. If Brute and Archie learned anything about sheep they learned it from you!
