I'm beginning to think that isaiah_1 and saltspring are mirror images of each other. It's like that episode of Star Trek with the evil alternate universe. I'm not sure which one has the goatee, but isaiah_1 is from Good Canada, and saltspring comes from Evil Canada. I guess Good Canada has beer, snow and hockey, which means that where saltspring hails from, they have red wine, arid deserts, and...uh...jai alai?
In Good Canada, everyone says, "Eh" all the time, so saltspring must say "Ya." Which makes him...uh...the Swedish Chef from the muppets. If you rearrange the letters in saltspring, you get "Grasps Lint," an obvious warning to guard your washing machine lint catcher. For isaiah, we get, "Asia Hi," which just puts a smile on your face.
If you find yourself abandoned in Canada, and you're not sure if it's good or evil, you can always check a passing moose. Unfortunately, if you end up face-to-snout with a moose, and it's an Evil Moosen, it's already too late...
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