As we celebrate ghouls and goblins on this Halloween day, my thoughts turn to the upcoming mid-term elections in a few days. I think that the Republicans better be prepared to see their beloved president turn into a lame duck.
My predictions:
Dems take House
Dems take Senate
Bush is transformed into a lame duck overnight.
The world rejoices and everything is right again.
Be prepared America, Be prepared.....
Search Ratttler
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
S_LINK90, the idiot-boy we keep locked in the room under the stairs, somehow broke out of his shackles (you can never find good shackles these days, maybe I'll check out the Shackle Depot). He came bounding into his room and clapped his hands gleefully as he proudly pointed us to his comment on a CBS News story. Who else but this glassy-eyed simpleton would tell people he had contributed to a news story by writing the first comment? That's like saying you helped paint the Mona Lisa after picking your nose and smearing a booger on it.
The story itself was about General Casey, the US Commander in Iraq, reporting that 100,000 more troops are needed to stabilize the country. This, even as military brass are warning of the armed forces splintering under the strain of our present commitment, and expressing doubts about our ability to defend ourselves on more fronts in the future. Given that this is a serious issue meriting serious discussion among serious people, what does Linky do? If you guessed, "Makes an ass of himself," you win!:
We know it's authentic S_LINK90 because,,,,,,,,of,,,,,,the,,,,,,superfluous commas. But, honestly, it's no wonder Americans are rejecting this kind of nonsense. It's not even remotely relevant to the debate. One day, Linky, you are going to have to let go of Clinton's Penis as your answer to every issue. We can find you a replacement penis to hold while you cope with the separation anxiety. I'm sure when LUMINOL and M T P Nuthead are done holding each others', they'll let you join their circle jerk.
The story itself was about General Casey, the US Commander in Iraq, reporting that 100,000 more troops are needed to stabilize the country. This, even as military brass are warning of the armed forces splintering under the strain of our present commitment, and expressing doubts about our ability to defend ourselves on more fronts in the future. Given that this is a serious issue meriting serious discussion among serious people, what does Linky do? If you guessed, "Makes an ass of himself," you win!:
well,,maybe if clinton would have put more missles in iraq instead of putting his missle in monicas mouth,, we may not be in iraq now,,afaganistan too,,, clinton failed america on terrorism, 1st trade center bombing sure made a few arrests,,he found a blind cleric in new jersey,,great job,,,,,. the uss cole,,all the embasy bombings,, and lets not forget our soldiers getting dragged in the streets of somalia,,, and what was doneeven after all this happend? nothing.oh yeh,, there was 1 thing that was done,, he let binladen continue to plan for 911,sorry,,i forgot that 1.
what needs to happen now it to let our military do what its trained to do,, that is to eliminate the enemy.
round up ALL media sources and fly THEM back home,where they belong.
and let the greatest army in the world do thier job,,its quite simple.
clinton,, monica gate,paula jones gate,filegate,travel gate,china gate,ron brown?, vince foster?.
think twice before you pull the lever on the 7th of november.
Posted by S_LINK90 at 02:01 AM : Oct 31, 2006
We know it's authentic S_LINK90 because,,,,,,,,of,,,,,,the,,,,,,superfluous commas. But, honestly, it's no wonder Americans are rejecting this kind of nonsense. It's not even remotely relevant to the debate. One day, Linky, you are going to have to let go of Clinton's Penis as your answer to every issue. We can find you a replacement penis to hold while you cope with the separation anxiety. I'm sure when LUMINOL and M T P Nuthead are done holding each others', they'll let you join their circle jerk.
eviltechnology kneels and fellates the corpse of Der Fuhrer:
So you take that brownshirt in Extra Small, right? Bonus points to the first bonehead who whines in comments that we're supporting terrorists by opposing genocide. You know they're so demented that someone will say it, completely oblivious to the irony. I wish I were joking, I really do.
eviltechnology: this war on terrorism would be alot easier if we went through the mideast like he did the jews
So you take that brownshirt in Extra Small, right? Bonus points to the first bonehead who whines in comments that we're supporting terrorists by opposing genocide. You know they're so demented that someone will say it, completely oblivious to the irony. I wish I were joking, I really do.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Do conservatives ever get tired of being stupid? Do I ever get tired of asking rhetorical questions as veiled insults? No, actually, I never do:
All right, if you insist:
I'll let Sen. Kennedy know you'll be sending over your draft legislation for the federal response to global climate change, bingo.
bingo-22: Once I see the National Academy of Sciences affirm that global warming is truth, I will support legislation to comply with preventative measures
All right, if you insist:
The National Academies, For Immediate Release:'High Confidence' That Planet Is Warmest in 400 Years;
Less Confidence in Temperature Reconstructions Prior to 1600
WASHINGTON -- There is sufficient evidence from tree rings, boreholes, retreating glaciers, and other "proxies" of past surface temperatures to say with a high level of confidence that the last few decades of the 20th century were warmer than any comparable period in the last 400 years, according to a new report from the National Research Council. Less confidence can be placed in proxy-based reconstructions of surface temperatures for A.D. 900 to 1600, said the committee that wrote the report, although the available proxy evidence does indicate that many locations were warmer during the past 25 years than during any other 25-year period since 900. Very little confidence can be placed in statements about average global surface temperatures prior to A.D. 900 because the proxy data for that time frame are sparse, the committee added.
...The committee pointed out that surface temperature reconstructions for periods before the Industrial Revolution -- when levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases were much lower -- are only one of multiple lines of evidence supporting the conclusion that current warming is occurring in response to human activities, and they are not the primary evidence.
The National Research Council is the principal operating arm of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. It is a private, nonprofit institution that provides science and technology advice under a congressional charter.
I'll let Sen. Kennedy know you'll be sending over your draft legislation for the federal response to global climate change, bingo.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
A fitting tribute to a noble catch-phrase:
Oh, and of course, yet again, Bush lied.
Oh, and of course, yet again, Bush lied.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tonight I find myself in an angry mood, so here is a rant for all to ponder and comment the shit out of if you want.
There is one thing I don't get about the elected officials we have in our offices right now. It seems they run in a circle that is similar to insanity. They make empty promises to get the office, then they forget all about the "little people" they used and abused to get there. Then, like an actor preparing for the role of their life, they find themselves up for election. So they start making good on the promises they made in the beginning in hopes that people will forget that they were fuck-ups for the years they held the office. At the same time they glad-hand the very same people for their votes again and THEY FUCKING GET IT! (Mr. Bush, does that sound familer to you!...yeah, I'm talking to you, asshole!) So, who is to blame? Depends on who you ask. If you ask a republikkkan (spelled like that on purpose), they will tell you that if he is in the GOP, they would vote for him because of the party line. You ask anyone else they say it's the lesser of two evils! LESSER OF TWO FUCKING EVILS? Have we gotten so fucking brain dead that we have to settle for that? (Talk to anyone on the ConservativeThink blog and they will verify that by the way they explain why they support Bush and his horde of criminals and mental midgets who run the White House!) Then, when a group comes along to try to rethink the way the country is run, they get attacked, slandered and made fun of and for what, daring to want CHANGE in this country so we can go FORWARD instead of backward, which is the way the GOP is nowadays. I ask you if that is right or fair? Is that the way the founding fathers wanted this place run, yeah I said place not country. (Can't wait to see the comments for that one. Right, Mr or Mrs. I'm-not-smart-enough-to-ask-mommy-to-think -of-a-name-for-me-so-I-go-by-anonymus-when-I-make-stupid-fucking-retarded
-inbred-comments-and-look-like-an -asshole-each-time-I-do-it?!)
And another thing that makes me wanna hurl is fucking Fox News. Why in the fuck is this station still around and who was the fucking dumbass that allowed Tiki Barber to co- host its morning news show? The fucking guy is a fucking football player, not Dan Rather or even Don Imus (who by the way I am waiting for to rip Rush's colon out of his ass live on the EIB or as i call it, the Extremely Imbeliclic Broadcasting Network durning old pillhead's show). This news station is a disgrace and should be yanked off the air for its 24 hr parade of hate it displays. (proudly I might add) Real Americans support AIR AMERICA radio, not tabloid tv, and while we are at it, could we stop by MSNBC and duct tape Joe Scarborough's mouth and force him to listen to Marilyn Manson for 24 hrs straight while being whipped by an 80 year old dominatrix. (maybe MEMOTHER could apply for the job, she always was a NAZI bitch!) Better yet, let's lock him in a room with JESSEADO for a week. Glenn Beck, you ain't too far behind either!
In closing, I want to say a big ole heaping FUCK YOU to the ass who thinks I'm so stupid. Its idiots like you that keep me posting what I post. So, keep those words of encouragement coming and I'll keep supplying you enough rope to hang yourself with.
My Name is Zombiemaster (spelled correctly I might add) and I approve of this message....
There is one thing I don't get about the elected officials we have in our offices right now. It seems they run in a circle that is similar to insanity. They make empty promises to get the office, then they forget all about the "little people" they used and abused to get there. Then, like an actor preparing for the role of their life, they find themselves up for election. So they start making good on the promises they made in the beginning in hopes that people will forget that they were fuck-ups for the years they held the office. At the same time they glad-hand the very same people for their votes again and THEY FUCKING GET IT! (Mr. Bush, does that sound familer to you!...yeah, I'm talking to you, asshole!) So, who is to blame? Depends on who you ask. If you ask a republikkkan (spelled like that on purpose), they will tell you that if he is in the GOP, they would vote for him because of the party line. You ask anyone else they say it's the lesser of two evils! LESSER OF TWO FUCKING EVILS? Have we gotten so fucking brain dead that we have to settle for that? (Talk to anyone on the ConservativeThink blog and they will verify that by the way they explain why they support Bush and his horde of criminals and mental midgets who run the White House!) Then, when a group comes along to try to rethink the way the country is run, they get attacked, slandered and made fun of and for what, daring to want CHANGE in this country so we can go FORWARD instead of backward, which is the way the GOP is nowadays. I ask you if that is right or fair? Is that the way the founding fathers wanted this place run, yeah I said place not country. (Can't wait to see the comments for that one. Right, Mr or Mrs. I'm-not-smart-enough-to-ask-mommy-to-think -of-a-name-for-me-so-I-go-by-anonymus-when-I-make-stupid-fucking-retarded
-inbred-comments-and-look-like-an -asshole-each-time-I-do-it?!)
And another thing that makes me wanna hurl is fucking Fox News. Why in the fuck is this station still around and who was the fucking dumbass that allowed Tiki Barber to co- host its morning news show? The fucking guy is a fucking football player, not Dan Rather or even Don Imus (who by the way I am waiting for to rip Rush's colon out of his ass live on the EIB or as i call it, the Extremely Imbeliclic Broadcasting Network durning old pillhead's show). This news station is a disgrace and should be yanked off the air for its 24 hr parade of hate it displays. (proudly I might add) Real Americans support AIR AMERICA radio, not tabloid tv, and while we are at it, could we stop by MSNBC and duct tape Joe Scarborough's mouth and force him to listen to Marilyn Manson for 24 hrs straight while being whipped by an 80 year old dominatrix. (maybe MEMOTHER could apply for the job, she always was a NAZI bitch!) Better yet, let's lock him in a room with JESSEADO for a week. Glenn Beck, you ain't too far behind either!
In closing, I want to say a big ole heaping FUCK YOU to the ass who thinks I'm so stupid. Its idiots like you that keep me posting what I post. So, keep those words of encouragement coming and I'll keep supplying you enough rope to hang yourself with.
My Name is Zombiemaster (spelled correctly I might add) and I approve of this message....
Friday, October 27, 2006
Speaking of how low will they go.....
Watch out! The neocons are at it already! The GOP fix is chomping at the FOXNews You Decide '06 Desk!
This time in Virginia's unexpectedly hot Senate race between incumbant racist and all around bigot Senator George "Felix Macacawitz" Allen and former Secretary of the Navy James Webb.
Turns out James Webb's last name has been cut off on part of the electronic ballot in Alexandria, Falls Church and Charlottesville because of a computer glitch - and wouldn't you know it - in some of the strongest Democratic precincts in the Commonwealth?!!
And what do we get from the Hart InterCivic Corporation peddling these voting machine hijinks - I mean beside the large financial donations they bestow upon the GOP every election cycle? Well, here we have it. Hart InterCivic officials responded to the problem like this: we "INTEND TO CORRECT THE PROBLEM BY NEXT FALL."
What? Next Fall? Riiiiiiiight! Next Fall. After the damage has been done. After the votes have been counted and after the GOP benefits, yet again, from another voting machine faux-pas! Voting machines manufactured, programmed and maintained by corporations and individuals who enjoy a most profitable symbiotic relationship with Bush Republicans.
And what do we get from the Commonwealth of Virginia election officials? "...the problem won't cause votes to be cast incorrectly, even though it might cause some voter confusion.
What? The people responsible for ensuring our elections are fair, uninhibited, and accurate are willing to sanction "some voter confusion" promulgated by the balloting process? And after that butterfly ballot fiasco that so characterized the Florida 2000 presidential vote? Is this what the citizenry is to expect from the so-called glorious digital age? I believe I can speak for 99.999999% of Americans in saying that the idea of using the voting machine was to enhance the voting process, not destroy it! Alas! It appears but a wounded technology.
How many more interations of impropriety must the people endure before government restores the legitimacy of our electoral processes? How much longer must we languish the insolence and the profit-driven machinations of corporate whores who are all too willing to scrap our democracy for the promise of a quick buck? Why are right-wingnuts so willing to relegate our cherished freedoms to but the trappings of liberty?
The citizens of Virginia should be thoroughly outraged and beating down the doors of every election official's office and demanding the instruments of corporate (read GOP) tyranny - the digital voting machines - be forever barred from the polling place.,2933,224499,00.html?sPage=fnc.politics/youdecide2006
Watch out! The neocons are at it already! The GOP fix is chomping at the FOXNews You Decide '06 Desk!
This time in Virginia's unexpectedly hot Senate race between incumbant racist and all around bigot Senator George "Felix Macacawitz" Allen and former Secretary of the Navy James Webb.
Turns out James Webb's last name has been cut off on part of the electronic ballot in Alexandria, Falls Church and Charlottesville because of a computer glitch - and wouldn't you know it - in some of the strongest Democratic precincts in the Commonwealth?!!
And what do we get from the Hart InterCivic Corporation peddling these voting machine hijinks - I mean beside the large financial donations they bestow upon the GOP every election cycle? Well, here we have it. Hart InterCivic officials responded to the problem like this: we "INTEND TO CORRECT THE PROBLEM BY NEXT FALL."
What? Next Fall? Riiiiiiiight! Next Fall. After the damage has been done. After the votes have been counted and after the GOP benefits, yet again, from another voting machine faux-pas! Voting machines manufactured, programmed and maintained by corporations and individuals who enjoy a most profitable symbiotic relationship with Bush Republicans.
And what do we get from the Commonwealth of Virginia election officials? "...the problem won't cause votes to be cast incorrectly, even though it might cause some voter confusion.
What? The people responsible for ensuring our elections are fair, uninhibited, and accurate are willing to sanction "some voter confusion" promulgated by the balloting process? And after that butterfly ballot fiasco that so characterized the Florida 2000 presidential vote? Is this what the citizenry is to expect from the so-called glorious digital age? I believe I can speak for 99.999999% of Americans in saying that the idea of using the voting machine was to enhance the voting process, not destroy it! Alas! It appears but a wounded technology.
How many more interations of impropriety must the people endure before government restores the legitimacy of our electoral processes? How much longer must we languish the insolence and the profit-driven machinations of corporate whores who are all too willing to scrap our democracy for the promise of a quick buck? Why are right-wingnuts so willing to relegate our cherished freedoms to but the trappings of liberty?
The citizens of Virginia should be thoroughly outraged and beating down the doors of every election official's office and demanding the instruments of corporate (read GOP) tyranny - the digital voting machines - be forever barred from the polling place.,2933,224499,00.html?sPage=fnc.politics/youdecide2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Watch, and try not to vomit, as Rush Limbaugh physically mocks Michael J. Fox, and all Parkinson's sufferers:
Vic Ferrari was just in the room, still plaintively insisting that Rush was right. Sorry, little boy, but you're wrong. Fox didn't go off his medication. Not using meds causes patients to progressively get more rigid ntil they cannot move. The swaying seen in the ad (and disgustingly mocked by Ruch) are a side effect of the medication.
How desperate or conscienceless do you have to be to make fun of a sick person? Wait, don't answer that. I really don't want to know.
Vic Ferrari was just in the room, still plaintively insisting that Rush was right. Sorry, little boy, but you're wrong. Fox didn't go off his medication. Not using meds causes patients to progressively get more rigid ntil they cannot move. The swaying seen in the ad (and disgustingly mocked by Ruch) are a side effect of the medication.
How desperate or conscienceless do you have to be to make fun of a sick person? Wait, don't answer that. I really don't want to know.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The following was written by Kevin Tillman, who joined the Army with his brother Pat in 2002. Pat, who gave up a career in the NFL, was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan in 2004. Cowards like Brutelogic, jay_156, and Vic Ferrari (among many other Paltalk chickenhawks) aren't fit to carry the boots of men like Kevin and Pat Tillman:
I'd like to be able to say that being a soldier, and the brother of a soldier is enough to prevent cowardly conservatives from smearing you and impugning your motives. I really would like to be able to say that, but we know better.
It is Pat’s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military. He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice… until we got out.
Much has happened since we handed over our voice:
Somehow we were sent to invade a nation because it was a direct threat to the American people, or to the world, or harbored terrorists, or was involved in the September 11 attacks, or received weapons-grade uranium from Niger, or had mobile weapons labs, or WMD, or had a need to be liberated, or we needed to establish a democracy, or stop an insurgency, or stop a civil war we created that can’t be called a civil war even though it is. Something like that.
Somehow our elected leaders were subverting international law and humanity by setting up secret prisons around the world, secretly kidnapping people, secretly holding them indefinitely, secretly not charging them with anything, secretly torturing them. Somehow that overt policy of torture became the fault of a few “bad apples” in the military.
Somehow back at home, support for the soldiers meant having a five-year-old kindergartener scribble a picture with crayons and send it overseas, or slapping stickers on cars, or lobbying Congress for an extra pad in a helmet. It’s interesting that a soldier on his third or fourth tour should care about a drawing from a five-year-old; or a faded sticker on a car as his friends die around him; or an extra pad in a helmet, as if it will protect him when an IED throws his vehicle 50 feet into the air as his body comes apart and his skin melts to the seat.
Somehow the more soldiers that die, the more legitimate the illegal invasion becomes.
Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people and illegally invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of its soldiers on the ground.
Somehow those afraid to fight an illegal invasion decades ago are allowed to send soldiers to die for an illegal invasion they started.
Somehow faking character, virtue and strength is tolerated.
Somehow profiting from tragedy and horror is tolerated.
Somehow the death of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people is tolerated.
Somehow subversion of the Bill of Rights and The Constitution is tolerated.
Somehow suspension of Habeas Corpus is supposed to keep this country safe.
Somehow torture is tolerated.
Somehow lying is tolerated.
Somehow reason is being discarded for faith, dogma, and nonsense.
Somehow American leadership managed to create a more dangerous world.
Somehow a narrative is more important than reality.
Somehow America has become a country that projects everything that it is not and condemns everything that it is.
Somehow the most reasonable, trusted and respected country in the world has become one of the most irrational, belligerent, feared, and distrusted countries in the world.
Somehow being politically informed, diligent, and skeptical has been replaced by apathy through active ignorance.
Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless, vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country.
Somehow this is tolerated.
Somehow nobody is accountable for this.
In a democracy, the policy of the leaders is the policy of the people. So don’t be shocked when our grandkids bury much of this generation as traitors to the nation, to the world and to humanity. Most likely, they will come to know that “somehow” was nurtured by fear, insecurity and indifference, leaving the country vulnerable to unchecked, unchallenged parasites.
Luckily this country is still a democracy. People still have a voice. People still can take action. It can start after Pat’s birthday.
I'd like to be able to say that being a soldier, and the brother of a soldier is enough to prevent cowardly conservatives from smearing you and impugning your motives. I really would like to be able to say that, but we know better.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Keith calls out the Republican Party on their cynical scare tactics. When will they learn? Bush and the GOP failed to catch the perpetrators of 9/11, and have emboldened terrorists with their dishonestly conceived and incompetently executed policies. Americans simply do not trust Republicans anymore, and exploiting terror is their last, lonely hope. It will not work:
Monday, October 23, 2006
Jesus Claus posted a warning to those in paltalk that racist people still exist in this modern era of time and people use this to SLANDER him about his name. Look, Jesus' name is not about slamming people who are Christian, it's a statement about people's mentality when confronted with something they don't like. As evidenced in the comments section by AP and his inbred brother anonymous, they fell right into the trap and I can't help laughing at them.
Also, my post about the farting also proved that people will say anything about any subject, and yes, it was fun showing how pious people can be by saying how gross I was, or for me to light matches (been there, done that and got a scar on my nutsack to prove it). So, once again I show the world I can get a reaction out of anybody and my friends, the joke's on you. LOL
yours truly
Also, my post about the farting also proved that people will say anything about any subject, and yes, it was fun showing how pious people can be by saying how gross I was, or for me to light matches (been there, done that and got a scar on my nutsack to prove it). So, once again I show the world I can get a reaction out of anybody and my friends, the joke's on you. LOL
yours truly
Friday, October 20, 2006
In case you thought racism was gone from either America or Paltalk:
Sheikh Yur Buotty: Voo I still own the deed to your great grandfather
This post to let everyone know that i set a personal record. i farted about 150 times today beating my old record of 145 set 2 months ago. Thank you!
Thursday, October 19, 2006

I finally had to say something about all of this hype about the Dow. It seems that too many really do NOT know the truth about the Dow' highs. People seem to forget to add in inflation when they hear what the Dow is doing (including the mass media). So me, always a facetious pain, decided to give to those few that will take the time to research a bit, a heads-up. Yes, I am ready for the few neonuts that will try to say this thread is false, now on to some facts.
The Dow made it to a new closing high this week, and in my opinion, it is a miracle that the market didn't completely collapse after September's inflation report. The report of the highest level of inflation in 11 years should have been the straw that broke the camel's back. The camel's load already seems to be getting pretty heavy to me: The yield curve has remained inverted for months; we had the first negative reading in the Philly Fed index in three years; national housing sales have plunged and prices are showing their first declines since 1993. The index of leading economic indicators has declined for seven straight months. Online advertising revenue is down; newspaper advertising revenue is down; the help wanted index is down. Across the board the economic news is terrible - everything is pointing to a recession.
Everything, that is, except for the stock market. It makes me consider that the only things standing between this market and a crash are the November elections. Under normal circumstances, September's inflation report - the highest inflation reading in 11 years - would have absolutely creamed the market. This market is priced to perfection, and believes that the Fed is done raising interest rates, that inflation is under control. Under other circumstances, September's news would have been a splash of ice cold water on the buoyant market. But the Dow took it all in stride, just as it has taken all of the bad news of the past few weeks in stride, levitating like the undead to its all time high. There is, to put it mildly, something fishy about this market. Its levitating act has the feel of something unnatural. This being the case, it is impossible not to ask: How hard could it be to manipulate the Dow - just 30 stocks - for a few weeks until the election? Especially considering that your Secretary of the Treasury is the ex-Chairman of Goldman Sachs?
Let's just say that in the next couple of weeks before the election that the Dow makes even a new high. Even so, it will be a meaningless high. For one, the index is still substantially lower than its 2000 peak after adjusting for inflation. And the Dow of today isn't even made up of the same stocks as it was in 2000! A new high, if we do get it, will be meaningless - a phony, sham new high. But it will serve its purpose - the same purpose as the Newsweak cover above: It will give the appearance that everything is just groovy going into November's election. When things start to look bad for Bush & Co, you should have expected a big run up in the market and a big, distracting, meaningless piece of spectacular news: Dow Hits New High!
The Dow'S new high, is a phony new high, since adjusted for inflation, we are nowhere near the old highs. Using the Fed's very own CPI Inflation calculator we find that we'd need a 13,817 Dow today to equal the 11,750 Dow of 2000.
Am I suggesting that the market is being manipulated for political purposes? Gasp! Shocking, I know. But to quote Mr. Bush himself, "If you fool me, you can't get fooled again." (huh?) We've had six years now to see how tricky this administration can be. According to Bob Woodward, Bush has Tricky Dick's evil old mentor himself, Henry Kissenger, dropping by the White House regularly for secret consultations. We know that Bush's father lost the election because of "the economy, stupid," and Bush's Brain Karl Rove isn't stupid enough to let that happen again.
Bush is good friends with Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and if Saudi Arabia opens its oil spigots wide then the price of oil can be made to fall very quickly. Like eighteen bucks a barrel in a couple of months quickly. I wouldn't be surprised to see further strategic reductions heading into the election. Am I suggesting manipulation of the oil market for political gain? Shocking, I know.

Could there be any better way to deflect attention from the issues that really matter in the upcoming 19 days? "It's the economy, stupid." Those words must have been seared into Bush's brain. With new stock market highs - false as they may be - Bush may finally have evidence of the "great economy" that no one else seems to see but him.
~~~~~~Enlightened Smiles~~~~~~
Remember well that we must fight enemies both foreign AND domestic...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth a million words
~~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~~
~~~~~~Smiles, now what?~~~~~~
~~~~~~Smiles, now what?~~~~~~
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Nove 7th is approaching quickly, take the time to vote. It doesn't matter what party you do or don't belong to, your voice should be heard.
Don't vote blindly, find out the facts and take time to watch some ads ;O)
Don't vote blindly, find out the facts and take time to watch some ads ;O)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Stop me if you heard this one.....
Vic, Jay, and Attila were stuck on a island with no provisions. At first they celebrated because they were away from the liberals and other "lowly forms of life," but soon realized that they didn't have the internet, especially paltalk. The joy turned into horror as they realized that they couldn't communicate with "home base" to receive orders on how to make bigger asses of themselves.
After a week of "roughing it," they saw a plane flying low, and they flagged it down. It landed and as they ran to it, they discovered it was owned by George Soros, who offered them a lift back to civilization.
The refused, saying they'd rather die than be rescued by a big-wig liberal. Sadly, George was puzzled, but left without them. Meanwhile, all of paltalk rejoiced to the news that they didnt have to be infected by those idiots again.
Moral of the story: Sometimes you've got to accept help from enemies in order to survive.
Vic, Jay, and Attila were stuck on a island with no provisions. At first they celebrated because they were away from the liberals and other "lowly forms of life," but soon realized that they didn't have the internet, especially paltalk. The joy turned into horror as they realized that they couldn't communicate with "home base" to receive orders on how to make bigger asses of themselves.
After a week of "roughing it," they saw a plane flying low, and they flagged it down. It landed and as they ran to it, they discovered it was owned by George Soros, who offered them a lift back to civilization.
The refused, saying they'd rather die than be rescued by a big-wig liberal. Sadly, George was puzzled, but left without them. Meanwhile, all of paltalk rejoiced to the news that they didnt have to be infected by those idiots again.
Moral of the story: Sometimes you've got to accept help from enemies in order to survive.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Tonight on mic, Vic Ferrari was like a master illusionist, trying to make the 24/7 Teen Sexathon infecting the Republican Party vanish in a puff of smoke. As usual, Vic was miles away from the actual issue, dismissing pedophilia as "no big deal," and "much ado about nothing." Now texslim, who is a genuine Republican conservative, and not a phony Bush cultist, reamed Vic hard (if you'll pardon the expression), lecturing that decent, elderly Republican women in Lubbock, Texas would be horrified to hear someone try and spin pedophilia. It's damn likely that those Republicans who are not driven away by the mere fact that a gay person was in the national leadership will abandon the ramparts once they hear sociopaths like Vic try and use sleight-of-tongue to douse the victims with slime or point fingers at decades-old scandals. As I wrote before, merely trying to minimize this cover-up by bringing up Ten Kennedy and Chappaquiddick demonstrates a dangerously cavalier attitude toward sexual predation that voters can't help but abhor.
But none of that is why I'm writing this post. No, this post is about Vic and his tragically neglected education. A Vic clone was in the room tonight, named Vic-Folley-From-Alabama. When Vic got up on the mic, he first tried to demonstrate his superiority, like a child haughtily jutting out his chin at some slight. He cackled, "You must be like most loony libs , who can't spell, because the name is Foley, F-O-L-E-Y. Not Folley."
Fine, then. Vic was right. You know, that's the first time in as long as I've written this blog that I've had occasion to type that sentence. I suppose there's a first time for everything? So, would Vic maintain and turn this into a streak? Yeah, I know, stupid question. Vic went on to claim that Foley broke no laws (the FBI is investigating), that this stops with Foley (no, Hastert, Reynolds and Boehner are all suspected of covering for and facilitating Foley's predations), and that Democrats never get punished for this kind of thing (except for all the ones who were censured or impeached). So, at this point, Vic's only mark in the "W" column is for spelling. But surely, that one he can't lose, right?
At the end of his rant, I had frazzled him a bit from the text, you know, just refuting his lies, taunting him with reality, the usual stuff. So Vic cries, "Hey, Claus, why don't you call me when you get some proof! That's P-R-O-DOUBLE EFF! Bla-blu-duh-I mean--"
Proff? Call him when I have proff?
Vic, you want the proff?
But none of that is why I'm writing this post. No, this post is about Vic and his tragically neglected education. A Vic clone was in the room tonight, named Vic-Folley-From-Alabama. When Vic got up on the mic, he first tried to demonstrate his superiority, like a child haughtily jutting out his chin at some slight. He cackled, "You must be like most loony libs , who can't spell, because the name is Foley, F-O-L-E-Y. Not Folley."
Fine, then. Vic was right. You know, that's the first time in as long as I've written this blog that I've had occasion to type that sentence. I suppose there's a first time for everything? So, would Vic maintain and turn this into a streak? Yeah, I know, stupid question. Vic went on to claim that Foley broke no laws (the FBI is investigating), that this stops with Foley (no, Hastert, Reynolds and Boehner are all suspected of covering for and facilitating Foley's predations), and that Democrats never get punished for this kind of thing (except for all the ones who were censured or impeached). So, at this point, Vic's only mark in the "W" column is for spelling. But surely, that one he can't lose, right?
At the end of his rant, I had frazzled him a bit from the text, you know, just refuting his lies, taunting him with reality, the usual stuff. So Vic cries, "Hey, Claus, why don't you call me when you get some proof! That's P-R-O-DOUBLE EFF! Bla-blu-duh-I mean--"
Proff? Call him when I have proff?
Vic, you want the proff?
Friday, October 13, 2006
7 days has come and it is time for the news you guys have been waiting for:
Today is Friday Oct.13th, 2006. It is also National Horror Day in America. To celebrate, many places are holding horror movie marathons in various places. The Chainsaw Awards are on Oct. 23, 2006 on Fuse tv ( Jeri and I are celebrating by watching the launch of Fangoria TV at What are you going to do to celebrate today? Leave comments only for this question, please.
Thank you and have a horrific day!
Today is Friday Oct.13th, 2006. It is also National Horror Day in America. To celebrate, many places are holding horror movie marathons in various places. The Chainsaw Awards are on Oct. 23, 2006 on Fuse tv ( Jeri and I are celebrating by watching the launch of Fangoria TV at What are you going to do to celebrate today? Leave comments only for this question, please.
Thank you and have a horrific day!
Keith Olbermann interviews former Faith-Based Initiatives official (and Special Assistant to the President) David Kuo, about his new book, Tempting Faith. Not surprisingly, the White House and Republican leaders think the Religious Right is made up of out-of-touch nutcases, and regard them with derision and contempt. Now, I personally am thrilled to hear that at the very least the GOP will not try to enact the repressive, sociopathic hatefulness that is the Christofascist agenda, but you moronic social cons who are looking for Republicans to fulfill your wishes, must really feel stupid:
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I don’t post this believing it to be true or believing it to be false. I post this here because I don’t know what to think about this and I find it very strange that I have yet to come across any information that further explores this issue, plus I just love pissing Jay off ;o)
The Nebraska State investigation starting in 1988 into the failure of the Franklin Bank & Trust soon turned up something much uglier: Franklin's general manager Larry King --then the rising Black star of the Republican Party, singing the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican Conventions, later in prison for embezzling $40 million-- was also luring children from nearby Boy's Town and the streets of Omaha into forced prostitution. The clients were prominent politicians, media and industrial magnates around the country -including King, the Omaha Chief of Police, the owner of Nebraska's largest newspaper, the Omaha Herald, and, according to several children, then-Vice-President George Bush the Father. Videos of the "parties" were used for blackmail, which may corrupt our government to this day. Kids were tortured, threatened, and in at least once case, murdered, to keep them in line.
"Conspiracy of Silence" by Britain's Yorkshire TV -scheduled for the Discover Channel on May 3, 1994 but cancelled and never publicly aired until now on the web, includes much of the Franklin Committee's video interviews with the child victims.
The Omaha Herald led the media vilification of the kids. The FBI threatened the kids with perjury prosecution if they told their story, and after 2 recanted, they did put the one remaining who stuck to her story in prison. After the State's lead investigator Gary Caradori and his young son were killed in the unexplained breakup of his plane in midair the investigation died as other victims refused to talk or recanted their video testimony in court. This documentary picks up the pieces.
What happened to this video that the American people were supposed to see in 1994? We are told the final version was destroyed after payment (and threats?) by government agency prevented it being shown. The previous posting with the video is a copy of the salvaged "work print" and is about 97% complete.
Then-Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp, who continues to be the kids' lawyer, pro bono, wrote the best-selling The Franklin Coverup, now out in an updated edition. You can read the intro & table of contents, thanks to right here
Oh I got more for ya :o)

and this

and a photocopy of Statement of John DeCamp, Paul Bonacci's attorney:

Here I even got ya all some links to check out:
Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide
Fear and Self Loathing
The Gunderson Report: Child Sexual Abuse
The Franklin Cover-Up
The Franklin Case Timeline
Now in case some don't know this you can click on the image to enlarge it, have fun reading.
~~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~~
~~~~~~Sweetest Smiles~~~~~~
see how far a little research can go? I'm only sharing what I have found, the decision is yours alone to make btw I got more to share if anyone wants it
The Nebraska State investigation starting in 1988 into the failure of the Franklin Bank & Trust soon turned up something much uglier: Franklin's general manager Larry King --then the rising Black star of the Republican Party, singing the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican Conventions, later in prison for embezzling $40 million-- was also luring children from nearby Boy's Town and the streets of Omaha into forced prostitution. The clients were prominent politicians, media and industrial magnates around the country -including King, the Omaha Chief of Police, the owner of Nebraska's largest newspaper, the Omaha Herald, and, according to several children, then-Vice-President George Bush the Father. Videos of the "parties" were used for blackmail, which may corrupt our government to this day. Kids were tortured, threatened, and in at least once case, murdered, to keep them in line.
"Conspiracy of Silence" by Britain's Yorkshire TV -scheduled for the Discover Channel on May 3, 1994 but cancelled and never publicly aired until now on the web, includes much of the Franklin Committee's video interviews with the child victims.
The Omaha Herald led the media vilification of the kids. The FBI threatened the kids with perjury prosecution if they told their story, and after 2 recanted, they did put the one remaining who stuck to her story in prison. After the State's lead investigator Gary Caradori and his young son were killed in the unexplained breakup of his plane in midair the investigation died as other victims refused to talk or recanted their video testimony in court. This documentary picks up the pieces.
What happened to this video that the American people were supposed to see in 1994? We are told the final version was destroyed after payment (and threats?) by government agency prevented it being shown. The previous posting with the video is a copy of the salvaged "work print" and is about 97% complete.
Then-Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp, who continues to be the kids' lawyer, pro bono, wrote the best-selling The Franklin Coverup, now out in an updated edition. You can read the intro & table of contents, thanks to right here
Oh I got more for ya :o)

and this

and a photocopy of Statement of John DeCamp, Paul Bonacci's attorney:

Here I even got ya all some links to check out:
Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide
Fear and Self Loathing
The Gunderson Report: Child Sexual Abuse
The Franklin Cover-Up
The Franklin Case Timeline
Now in case some don't know this you can click on the image to enlarge it, have fun reading.
~~~~~~Sweetest Smiles~~~~~~
see how far a little research can go? I'm only sharing what I have found, the decision is yours alone to make btw I got more to share if anyone wants it
It doesn't matter that even the "Bushies" say diplomacy is needed, Bush is convince North Korea is all Clinton's fault. Can't wait till Bush blames drug use for his lacking ability to take any responsibility for anything.
Whatever drugs President George Bush was taking yesterday at his press conference, I wish to hell I knew so I could specify never, ever to be administered any.
Just before the possibly failed North Korean nuclear test over the weekend, supposedly even core Bushies were telling Lunkhead (sorry, Commander in Chief Lunkhead) that they had to engage with North Korea instead of insisting on bizarre six-party talks where the Bushies wouldn't have to talk to Kim Jong-Il's people directly.
Yet today, Bush proclaims it's Clinton's fault for North Korea,*correction of url, see below* even though Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sat high on the board of the American Bush-loving corporation that sold Kim Jong-Il much of its nuclear power just before the Bush's took (oh boy, did they) office.
~~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~~
~~~~~~Sweetest Smiles~~~~~~
*Sorry about placing the wrong url for 'Bush proclaims it's Clinton fault for North Korea'. I have corrected that error, thank you for your understanding.*
Whatever drugs President George Bush was taking yesterday at his press conference, I wish to hell I knew so I could specify never, ever to be administered any.
Just before the possibly failed North Korean nuclear test over the weekend, supposedly even core Bushies were telling Lunkhead (sorry, Commander in Chief Lunkhead) that they had to engage with North Korea instead of insisting on bizarre six-party talks where the Bushies wouldn't have to talk to Kim Jong-Il's people directly.
Yet today, Bush proclaims it's Clinton's fault for North Korea,*correction of url, see below* even though Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sat high on the board of the American Bush-loving corporation that sold Kim Jong-Il much of its nuclear power just before the Bush's took (oh boy, did they) office.
~~~~~~Sweetest Smiles~~~~~~
*Sorry about placing the wrong url for 'Bush proclaims it's Clinton fault for North Korea'. I have corrected that error, thank you for your understanding.*
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Drink it in, it always goes down smooth...
Keith seems to be the only person willing to publicly chastise Bush and the GOP for their inflammatory and corrosive rhetoric. Their blatant, fallacious smears worked when most of the nation was besotted with fear. Now that we know the full measure of Bush's lies, those smears seem weak and diluted. Only the muttonheads at Fox News and their thralls still believe Bush when he tries to impugn the motives of his critics. Wondering why Bush is desperate to discredit his critics? It's because they're right.
Keith seems to be the only person willing to publicly chastise Bush and the GOP for their inflammatory and corrosive rhetoric. Their blatant, fallacious smears worked when most of the nation was besotted with fear. Now that we know the full measure of Bush's lies, those smears seem weak and diluted. Only the muttonheads at Fox News and their thralls still believe Bush when he tries to impugn the motives of his critics. Wondering why Bush is desperate to discredit his critics? It's because they're right.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
For all Sci-Fi, Horror and Fantasy fans I got 2 shows that should be on your list to watch.
Oct 10,2006- Spike TV presents the Scream awards. An award show for us horror fans as voted by horror fans. The show starts at 10 pm EST. Please check out for more info.
Oct 23,2006- Fuse TV presents the Chainsaw Awards. This is another Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy awards show as voted by the horror fans out there. Please check out for more info. The Show starts also at 10 p.m.
Please join me by voting at both sites for your favorite horror movies.
Oct 10,2006- Spike TV presents the Scream awards. An award show for us horror fans as voted by horror fans. The show starts at 10 pm EST. Please check out for more info.
Oct 23,2006- Fuse TV presents the Chainsaw Awards. This is another Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy awards show as voted by the horror fans out there. Please check out for more info. The Show starts also at 10 p.m.
Please join me by voting at both sites for your favorite horror movies.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.
Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada.
At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.
A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.
See it for yourself:
Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada.
At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.
A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.
See it for yourself:
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Meanwhile, at the House of Representatives...
You have to watch this recap by Keith Olbermann of the Foleyrama scandal. Keith really put this into perspective, and addresses several newly discovered instances of House Republican leaders being informed of Foley's predation, and doing nothing about it.
Most importantly, Keith is not satisfied with playing the typical he-said/she-said game that most of our news media is so fond of. When these people make statements, this reporting team finds out whether their words contradict known facts or other statements, and then presents the contradiction clearly. If every other news source would simply do that, there might well be a more comprehensively and accurately informed populace.
In this report, they highlight how Hastert's statements are inconsistent with the facts, and what Boehner, Reynolds, and Fordham say. And they cover all of the other tendrils of this scandal, the staffers that tried to get Hastert to do something, and Hastert's negligent abandonment of his responsibility by allowing these incidents to be swept under the rug.
I've heard that Hastert is trying to hang on to his job. All I can say is, having a scandal-ridden enabler of sexual predation as the head of the Republican House is the best thing that could have happened to the GOP. Please, Denny, for the good of America, drag your party into the tar pit. We'll let you lead again after the next 40 years of Democratic rule.
You have to watch this recap by Keith Olbermann of the Foleyrama scandal. Keith really put this into perspective, and addresses several newly discovered instances of House Republican leaders being informed of Foley's predation, and doing nothing about it.
Most importantly, Keith is not satisfied with playing the typical he-said/she-said game that most of our news media is so fond of. When these people make statements, this reporting team finds out whether their words contradict known facts or other statements, and then presents the contradiction clearly. If every other news source would simply do that, there might well be a more comprehensively and accurately informed populace.
In this report, they highlight how Hastert's statements are inconsistent with the facts, and what Boehner, Reynolds, and Fordham say. And they cover all of the other tendrils of this scandal, the staffers that tried to get Hastert to do something, and Hastert's negligent abandonment of his responsibility by allowing these incidents to be swept under the rug.
I've heard that Hastert is trying to hang on to his job. All I can say is, having a scandal-ridden enabler of sexual predation as the head of the Republican House is the best thing that could have happened to the GOP. Please, Denny, for the good of America, drag your party into the tar pit. We'll let you lead again after the next 40 years of Democratic rule.
This Foley scandal, and the cover-up by Republican leaders, is only going to grow. Already there are calls for Hastert to resign, and there are indications that other improprieties by OTHER congressman are likely to be revealed.
It was very amusing, then, to see HofbrauTheGreat traipse into the room with the latest Republican spin from the spurious pen of Matt Drudge.
Ever since 9/11, Republicans have had enormous electoral success by exploiting the fear generated by the attacks, and by stoking the native hatred of their base on God, Guns, and Gays. It has seemed that, no matter what the issue, Republicans met with victory by aggressively spinning issues, and misdirecting attention from any failures or malfeasence they engaged in.
So, what can you do against a foe who is blocking every attack? Well, in this case, history has a lesson.
First and foremost, this is an entirely Republican scandal. The sexual predator was a Republican, the men who covered it up were Republcans. Democrats neither created nor fueled this scandal. But, in the past, military tacticians have recognized the effectiveness of biological warfare to decimate an unknowing enemy.
Many ancient generals, such as Hannibal for example, have harnessed virulent toxins and used them against their foes. Ordinary arrows that can be deflected by armor or shields will sicken soldiers who touch them. Soldiers who eagerly break open abandoned caches of weapons and supplies will soon fall prey to hidden disease.
What does this have to do with Hof and the Foley scandal? According to Hof, who gets his information from the dubious Drudge Report, the IMs that ABC News reported on may have come from an 18 year old, rather than a minor. Now, at this point, the scandal has moved far beyond those initial reports. Foley has resigned, more pages have come forward to report his predations, and now it has been reported that Foley may well have come to the page residence while intoxicated, perhaps hoping to rendezvous with a minor.
The average American voter is going to be sickened and horrified by these revelations, and even more horrified by the GOP leaderships' craven attempts to cover-up and especially their failure to act in the best interests of those pages for possibly as far back as 11 years. Republicans have been very successful in spinning bad news, but this newest scandal is very much like a poisoned volley that has been fired at them. In their eagerness to advance aggressively and spin this, they have tried to deflect by pointing plaintively at other sexual scandals, or have tried to undermine a small point, as Hof did, without addressing the larger scandal.
Any reasonable person is likely to look at people like Vic Ferrari, Brutelogic, and Hof as apologists for a sexual predator and his enablers. This is one time when the Republican instinct to dissemble will backfire badly. And as Hof cries in full throat for everyone to look somewhere, anywhere but at the crimes of his party, his skin is paling from white to a putrescent green, and he wonders why he can't stop coughing...
It was very amusing, then, to see HofbrauTheGreat traipse into the room with the latest Republican spin from the spurious pen of Matt Drudge.
Ever since 9/11, Republicans have had enormous electoral success by exploiting the fear generated by the attacks, and by stoking the native hatred of their base on God, Guns, and Gays. It has seemed that, no matter what the issue, Republicans met with victory by aggressively spinning issues, and misdirecting attention from any failures or malfeasence they engaged in.
So, what can you do against a foe who is blocking every attack? Well, in this case, history has a lesson.
First and foremost, this is an entirely Republican scandal. The sexual predator was a Republican, the men who covered it up were Republcans. Democrats neither created nor fueled this scandal. But, in the past, military tacticians have recognized the effectiveness of biological warfare to decimate an unknowing enemy.
Many ancient generals, such as Hannibal for example, have harnessed virulent toxins and used them against their foes. Ordinary arrows that can be deflected by armor or shields will sicken soldiers who touch them. Soldiers who eagerly break open abandoned caches of weapons and supplies will soon fall prey to hidden disease.
What does this have to do with Hof and the Foley scandal? According to Hof, who gets his information from the dubious Drudge Report, the IMs that ABC News reported on may have come from an 18 year old, rather than a minor. Now, at this point, the scandal has moved far beyond those initial reports. Foley has resigned, more pages have come forward to report his predations, and now it has been reported that Foley may well have come to the page residence while intoxicated, perhaps hoping to rendezvous with a minor.
The average American voter is going to be sickened and horrified by these revelations, and even more horrified by the GOP leaderships' craven attempts to cover-up and especially their failure to act in the best interests of those pages for possibly as far back as 11 years. Republicans have been very successful in spinning bad news, but this newest scandal is very much like a poisoned volley that has been fired at them. In their eagerness to advance aggressively and spin this, they have tried to deflect by pointing plaintively at other sexual scandals, or have tried to undermine a small point, as Hof did, without addressing the larger scandal.
Any reasonable person is likely to look at people like Vic Ferrari, Brutelogic, and Hof as apologists for a sexual predator and his enablers. This is one time when the Republican instinct to dissemble will backfire badly. And as Hof cries in full throat for everyone to look somewhere, anywhere but at the crimes of his party, his skin is paling from white to a putrescent green, and he wonders why he can't stop coughing...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
More dispatches from Vic, who lives beyond the 17th moon of Uranus:
Well, Vic is almost right. So very, very close. In the sense of being completely full of shit. Shall we go down the list?
James "PhoneJammer" Tobin - Implicated in an election tampering scandal - Resigns as party chair.
Bob Ney - Pleads guilty to federal corruption charges - Resigns committee posts, won't seek reelection.
Randy "Duke" Cunningham - GOP Congressman, guilty of bribery - Resigns.
Michael "Heckuvajob" Brown - Head of FEMA. With others, bungles Katrina response - Resigns.
David Safavian - Top GSA Procurement Official in Bush White House, arrested on charges stemming from obstructing a federal investigation - Resigns.
Claude "StickyFingers" Allen - President Bush's principal domestic policy advisor, arrested for shoplifting - Resigns.
Tom DeLay - GOP House Majority Leader and smug asswipe, indicted for fund-raising violations - Resigns.
I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten. Vic, once again, you're wrong many times over. I'll tell you one thing, though. Republicans hang on to their power positions like rabid wombats, claws scraping as they are finally dragged into doing the honorable thing. Now, there have certainly been Dems who've done the same, Bill Cinton and William Jefferson being the most recent examples. But, Vic, Vic, son, please, face the facts. Modern Republicans are not honorable, and the more you rant and bleat about how they never resign, the dumber you sound. And believe me, there has to be a lower limit to how dumb you sound. We just haven't found it yet.
Vic Ferrari Internet Icon: HASERT WONT GO
Vic Ferrari Internet Icon: WE DONT RESIGN
Well, Vic is almost right. So very, very close. In the sense of being completely full of shit. Shall we go down the list?
James "PhoneJammer" Tobin - Implicated in an election tampering scandal - Resigns as party chair.
Bob Ney - Pleads guilty to federal corruption charges - Resigns committee posts, won't seek reelection.
Randy "Duke" Cunningham - GOP Congressman, guilty of bribery - Resigns.
Michael "Heckuvajob" Brown - Head of FEMA. With others, bungles Katrina response - Resigns.
David Safavian - Top GSA Procurement Official in Bush White House, arrested on charges stemming from obstructing a federal investigation - Resigns.
Claude "StickyFingers" Allen - President Bush's principal domestic policy advisor, arrested for shoplifting - Resigns.
Tom DeLay - GOP House Majority Leader and smug asswipe, indicted for fund-raising violations - Resigns.
I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten. Vic, once again, you're wrong many times over. I'll tell you one thing, though. Republicans hang on to their power positions like rabid wombats, claws scraping as they are finally dragged into doing the honorable thing. Now, there have certainly been Dems who've done the same, Bill Cinton and William Jefferson being the most recent examples. But, Vic, Vic, son, please, face the facts. Modern Republicans are not honorable, and the more you rant and bleat about how they never resign, the dumber you sound. And believe me, there has to be a lower limit to how dumb you sound. We just haven't found it yet.
Some new Mark Foley IMs have surfaced:
Most of the capos of the Religious Right have been strangely silent on the Foley issue, whereas they'd normally be howling for blood if it was a liberal or Democrat involved. Could it be that they value power over principle? Nooooooooo, couldn't be.
Luckily for Foley, there is a religious organization that has welcomed him with open arms. Mark Foley has announced that he will be taking his vows and becoming a Catholic priest. The Catholic Bishops have decades of experience sheltering pedophilic priests from accountability, and Foley will be a perfect fit. I hear that Foley will soon be receiving his first vestments, first rosary beads, and first altar boy. You never forget your first.
Finally, the Oxford American Dictionary has certified the new compound word "Schadenkarmafreude," defined as "The feeling of joy one experiences when someone who richly deserves it finally gets what's coming to them." Maria Garrison, a liberal Democrat, was asked about the new term: "Well, at first, I had this overwhelming sense of satisfaction seeing a Republican sexual predator get publicly humiliated. But the more I heard about how the Republican congressional leadership had concealed and covered up for Mark Foley, the more I realized that this was shaping up to be the final comeuppance for these bastards. I knew this was no ordinary emotion. It had to be schadenkarmafreude."
Maf54: hey, Bushie, I'd like to slip that congressional majority off of you and measure your vote tally...
Maf54: you look so sexy stripped of your leadership positions
Maf54: what are you wearing to your arraignment? Some sexy cutoff shorts?
Maf54: hey, your friend Denny Hastert looks good, like a rockhard beachball
Maf54: I'd like to squeeze his appropriations
Maf54: Come on over, i'll sit in my committee chair and you can sit on my lap
Most of the capos of the Religious Right have been strangely silent on the Foley issue, whereas they'd normally be howling for blood if it was a liberal or Democrat involved. Could it be that they value power over principle? Nooooooooo, couldn't be.
Luckily for Foley, there is a religious organization that has welcomed him with open arms. Mark Foley has announced that he will be taking his vows and becoming a Catholic priest. The Catholic Bishops have decades of experience sheltering pedophilic priests from accountability, and Foley will be a perfect fit. I hear that Foley will soon be receiving his first vestments, first rosary beads, and first altar boy. You never forget your first.
Finally, the Oxford American Dictionary has certified the new compound word "Schadenkarmafreude," defined as "The feeling of joy one experiences when someone who richly deserves it finally gets what's coming to them." Maria Garrison, a liberal Democrat, was asked about the new term: "Well, at first, I had this overwhelming sense of satisfaction seeing a Republican sexual predator get publicly humiliated. But the more I heard about how the Republican congressional leadership had concealed and covered up for Mark Foley, the more I realized that this was shaping up to be the final comeuppance for these bastards. I knew this was no ordinary emotion. It had to be schadenkarmafreude."
Oh when will they quit fearing the truth? Once again people are being banned in Dummie's and Assy's room for voicing their disagreements. How fair can a room be that bounces for anything other than TOS violations? Now you can say r@ghe@d, fudge p@cker, death to all Muslims, you won't even get a dot in most cases. But don't dare bring to attention the unfairness and racism that exist in Dummie's and Assy's room, they will ban you in a heartbeat. I wonder if Dummie and Assy know that paltalk is starting to frown on these types of actions? Paltalk is now becoming more aware of the unfairness in certain rooms and they are drawing attention. Of course people such as Dummie and Assy believe that since they know a couple of red paltalk admins, they are exempt from any discipline of any type.
Does Dummie & Assy think they are gaining friends by their fake sweet acts? Better question would be, are there that many stupid people on pal, that buy into Dummie and Assy bullshit? I would say no, after Banned. Now I think it is time to let people in on a secret I have kept to myself. Remember when Banned opened and how it was an over night success, and how it took one pretender to bring it down? Yes I am speaking of Livid, he knew exactly what he was doing and I will admit, I was naive to the max about the entire situation. I have had enough of staying quiet, although since I will not give away my sources I am sure I will come under major attack. Those that were in Dummie's and Assy's private admin meeting months ago will know this part is true at least. Dummie and Assy were so scared of what I stood for and how many people respected me, they had to try to discredit me in anyway they could when I told them I was leaving 2way and would not be coming back (this is when 2way was still owed by Dummie & Assy). What followed was nothing short of 'who done it' novel outline.
Dummie and Assy decided to call a private, admin meeting only to try and discredit me, well funny thing is that Livid who was a 'newcomer' to SI was also called into that meeting. Now what followed in that meeting is now a part of Paltalk History, Dummie and Assy tried to say I lied to them about a certain issue, which when people tried to help me 'prove' it, Dummie and Assy would block their nics. Now since a few saw past this little plod Dummie and Assy also tried to bring my son into their little witch hunt against me. This proved to be more destroying to them than they could have ever imagined. Now Livid was in on all these so call private admin meetings and he was not an admin, some even pmed me asking what was up with that. Now at the time I didn't have the info and I was like I have no clue and the only reason I could think of was that Dummie & Assy feared Livid would take many of the chatters with him, so they wanted him on their side (boy was I wrong).
After about a month I kept receiving pm's about what Assy was doing (not so much Dummie) and they were giving me their support against Assy's BS. After a while I got tired of it and I did the woman thing and directly pmed Assy, asking her why she was bring my son into it and why was she lying. Did she ever respond to my questions, or try to explain her actions? Of course not she did what her and Dummie are known for doing, she blocked me and banned me from the room in fear I would address that issue in room I guess.
That was the last straw for me and I did in fact open Banned. Now I was giving out hats left and right, one day Livid came into the room and I told him if he wanted to be an admin here's the code, that was the extent of me asking him. Well he never did hat up and he kept going to Dummie's room, until him and Assy got into it (supposedly). As soon as he and Assy got into it, he runs to Banned and asked for the code again, i gave it to him. Now it wasn't long before Livid's true colors started to show to me and the other admins, which I hope some of those admins still have the courage to share what they know about this situation. Livid within a week was trying to change the entire rules for Banned he wanted people to fear the admins, ask around I am sure some admin will let you know this.
So of course I was thinking it was just me, due to personal issues with Livid and myself. I didn't want my personal bias shallowing Banned and I did not take away his hat, goodness only knows how much I wish I did. Well long story short (too late I know) Livid left Banned and he spinned such stories it was amazing, I was even questioning the facts. So many at this time had being to think of Livid as this wonderful Liberal that was mistreated, without bothering to get the full story(and people wonder why I say both parties are corrupted). Now mind you while Banned was open I ended up sick and was not able to keep Banned open and Livid seeing the opportunity jumped at it and gained his short lived fame. Livid then the day after I came back from the hospital opened his own room to compete with Banned, with me just getting over some major health issues and my personality of not engaging into childish wars, I simply let Livid hang himself.
Well through out it all I just thought that Livid was a power hungry little demon, never did I suspect the truth. Now I will share with you what I have known for a few weeks now. Livid was part of Dummies and Assy's group set out to destroy Banned and to discredit anyone that disagreed with them. Yes, you heard me right, why do you think you see Livid hiding in Dummie's and Assy's room? Now I didn't come to this conclusion, in fact I would have never thought this, but some have come to me with pm's and shown me this evidence. Is it true? I can not say for a fact that it is, it is anyone guess, for I know pm's can be faked. But what I do know is true is that so many that were upset at the way Dummie and Assy ran their room, ran right back into the lair with raw meat tied to their legs. What I do know is that anytime someone speaks against Dummie and/or Assy they are bounced and/or banned from Political GUMPtion in an New York Minute. I also know that Dummie & Assy read The Rattler and that they attack anyone that doesn't defend them as they think they should be.
Now what I don't understand is how is it two catty ass bitches such as Dummie and Assy can continue their lies and getting away with it? What I can't understand is how so many in private disagree with Dummie's and Assy's room actions and yet they stay quiet whenever in the room. What I can't understand is how can people enjoy a room that controls it's chatters with fear and lies (is this how Dubya continues to have support?).
Every time I get banned from Political GUMPtion I feel pride, every pm I get telling me what violations Dummie & Assy allow in their room I shake my head, but mostly I cheer whenever someone has the balls to tell the truth no matter the cost to them in pal land. Now attack away all you followers, but before you do I ask only one thing, ask yourself if I said one thing here that wasn't true. To those that fear responding due to fact they will prolly get banned from Political GUMPtion, I say to you is a room on pal worth comprising your integrity?
Ok now attack away, I am ready and kind of looking forward to it :o) And to Dummie & Assy, banned me all you want, for always the truth will come out. There are too many that disagree with your actions and although they might 'fear' being banned from Political GUMPtion, they know I do NOT and that I will always spread the truth.
~~~~~~Forever A Facetious Pain~~~~~~
~~~~~~Sweet Smiles of Truth~~~~~~
Does Dummie & Assy think they are gaining friends by their fake sweet acts? Better question would be, are there that many stupid people on pal, that buy into Dummie and Assy bullshit? I would say no, after Banned. Now I think it is time to let people in on a secret I have kept to myself. Remember when Banned opened and how it was an over night success, and how it took one pretender to bring it down? Yes I am speaking of Livid, he knew exactly what he was doing and I will admit, I was naive to the max about the entire situation. I have had enough of staying quiet, although since I will not give away my sources I am sure I will come under major attack. Those that were in Dummie's and Assy's private admin meeting months ago will know this part is true at least. Dummie and Assy were so scared of what I stood for and how many people respected me, they had to try to discredit me in anyway they could when I told them I was leaving 2way and would not be coming back (this is when 2way was still owed by Dummie & Assy). What followed was nothing short of 'who done it' novel outline.
Dummie and Assy decided to call a private, admin meeting only to try and discredit me, well funny thing is that Livid who was a 'newcomer' to SI was also called into that meeting. Now what followed in that meeting is now a part of Paltalk History, Dummie and Assy tried to say I lied to them about a certain issue, which when people tried to help me 'prove' it, Dummie and Assy would block their nics. Now since a few saw past this little plod Dummie and Assy also tried to bring my son into their little witch hunt against me. This proved to be more destroying to them than they could have ever imagined. Now Livid was in on all these so call private admin meetings and he was not an admin, some even pmed me asking what was up with that. Now at the time I didn't have the info and I was like I have no clue and the only reason I could think of was that Dummie & Assy feared Livid would take many of the chatters with him, so they wanted him on their side (boy was I wrong).
After about a month I kept receiving pm's about what Assy was doing (not so much Dummie) and they were giving me their support against Assy's BS. After a while I got tired of it and I did the woman thing and directly pmed Assy, asking her why she was bring my son into it and why was she lying. Did she ever respond to my questions, or try to explain her actions? Of course not she did what her and Dummie are known for doing, she blocked me and banned me from the room in fear I would address that issue in room I guess.
That was the last straw for me and I did in fact open Banned. Now I was giving out hats left and right, one day Livid came into the room and I told him if he wanted to be an admin here's the code, that was the extent of me asking him. Well he never did hat up and he kept going to Dummie's room, until him and Assy got into it (supposedly). As soon as he and Assy got into it, he runs to Banned and asked for the code again, i gave it to him. Now it wasn't long before Livid's true colors started to show to me and the other admins, which I hope some of those admins still have the courage to share what they know about this situation. Livid within a week was trying to change the entire rules for Banned he wanted people to fear the admins, ask around I am sure some admin will let you know this.
So of course I was thinking it was just me, due to personal issues with Livid and myself. I didn't want my personal bias shallowing Banned and I did not take away his hat, goodness only knows how much I wish I did. Well long story short (too late I know) Livid left Banned and he spinned such stories it was amazing, I was even questioning the facts. So many at this time had being to think of Livid as this wonderful Liberal that was mistreated, without bothering to get the full story(and people wonder why I say both parties are corrupted). Now mind you while Banned was open I ended up sick and was not able to keep Banned open and Livid seeing the opportunity jumped at it and gained his short lived fame. Livid then the day after I came back from the hospital opened his own room to compete with Banned, with me just getting over some major health issues and my personality of not engaging into childish wars, I simply let Livid hang himself.
Well through out it all I just thought that Livid was a power hungry little demon, never did I suspect the truth. Now I will share with you what I have known for a few weeks now. Livid was part of Dummies and Assy's group set out to destroy Banned and to discredit anyone that disagreed with them. Yes, you heard me right, why do you think you see Livid hiding in Dummie's and Assy's room? Now I didn't come to this conclusion, in fact I would have never thought this, but some have come to me with pm's and shown me this evidence. Is it true? I can not say for a fact that it is, it is anyone guess, for I know pm's can be faked. But what I do know is true is that so many that were upset at the way Dummie and Assy ran their room, ran right back into the lair with raw meat tied to their legs. What I do know is that anytime someone speaks against Dummie and/or Assy they are bounced and/or banned from Political GUMPtion in an New York Minute. I also know that Dummie & Assy read The Rattler and that they attack anyone that doesn't defend them as they think they should be.
Now what I don't understand is how is it two catty ass bitches such as Dummie and Assy can continue their lies and getting away with it? What I can't understand is how so many in private disagree with Dummie's and Assy's room actions and yet they stay quiet whenever in the room. What I can't understand is how can people enjoy a room that controls it's chatters with fear and lies (is this how Dubya continues to have support?).
Every time I get banned from Political GUMPtion I feel pride, every pm I get telling me what violations Dummie & Assy allow in their room I shake my head, but mostly I cheer whenever someone has the balls to tell the truth no matter the cost to them in pal land. Now attack away all you followers, but before you do I ask only one thing, ask yourself if I said one thing here that wasn't true. To those that fear responding due to fact they will prolly get banned from Political GUMPtion, I say to you is a room on pal worth comprising your integrity?
Ok now attack away, I am ready and kind of looking forward to it :o) And to Dummie & Assy, banned me all you want, for always the truth will come out. There are too many that disagree with your actions and although they might 'fear' being banned from Political GUMPtion, they know I do NOT and that I will always spread the truth.
~~~~~~Sweet Smiles of Truth~~~~~~
Monday, October 02, 2006
I never get tired of the pathetic prostrations and contortions conservatives engage in when they try to spin away the truth. Check out the latest moronosity:
This is just priceless. The depths of ignorance, the twisting and bending, truly fantastic. If he was an olympic diver, this double-reverse-Pike-with-a-forward-360-twist would surely earn the Gold. Pol, you ignorant mouth-breather, Tom DeLay is one of the least upfront and ethical beings in the solar system. He actually tried to orchestrate a vote by his fellow Republicans to change their own ethics rules to allow him to serve as Majority Leader WHILE UNDER INDICTMENT! Not only did he avoid forthrightly accepting responsibility for his transgressions, he was actively engineering a plot to salvage his power. Fortunately for us, his compatriots gagged on the shit sandwich he was ramming down their throats, and refused, under public shaming, to acquiesce to his scheme. Please, Pol, for the sake of our guffaw-split sides if not for your own shabbed credibility, don't spit Tom DeLay's piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.
PoliticalPro1: Tom Delay steps down when he was under investigation by the feds ----yet, William Jefferson fought it tooth and nail for 6 months. ( ya see liberals don't have the morals to get out when told to leave )
This is just priceless. The depths of ignorance, the twisting and bending, truly fantastic. If he was an olympic diver, this double-reverse-Pike-with-a-forward-360-twist would surely earn the Gold. Pol, you ignorant mouth-breather, Tom DeLay is one of the least upfront and ethical beings in the solar system. He actually tried to orchestrate a vote by his fellow Republicans to change their own ethics rules to allow him to serve as Majority Leader WHILE UNDER INDICTMENT! Not only did he avoid forthrightly accepting responsibility for his transgressions, he was actively engineering a plot to salvage his power. Fortunately for us, his compatriots gagged on the shit sandwich he was ramming down their throats, and refused, under public shaming, to acquiesce to his scheme. Please, Pol, for the sake of our guffaw-split sides if not for your own shabbed credibility, don't spit Tom DeLay's piss on our legs and tell us it's raining.