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Monday, July 17, 2006


Is it true, a protest against the war? Yes, in New York City hundreds of thousands of people showed up to join in A protest march in April. According to the organizers of the march there was 300,000 demonstrators (a policeman spokesman declined to give an approximation) and if you can believe it there were zero arrests.

Cindy Sheehan (24 year old son died in Iraq) along with Rev. Jesse Jackson and actress Susan Sarandon became one with the people and joined in with the other protesters.

Now excogitation has began stirring since seeing the mass media is really showing this. Is this the first anti-war movement against the War in Iraq? Well I seem to remember some protests going oh a while back (now what state was that?) oh that’s right in Washington, DC (Jan 2002), San Francisco (Oct 2002), San Francisco (Jan 2003: police had originally estimated the crowd size at 55,000, but admitted later that they had badly underestimated the number and changed their estimate to 150,000), Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington DC (Mar 2003), Oakland (April 2003: police fired rubber bullets and beanbags at these protesters), and…. well I think you get the picture. Anti-war protests have been going since….well since before the war even began.

On Feb 15, 2003 millions of people protested, in approximately 800 cities around the world, this day of protest even made the 2004 Guinness Book of Records as the largest protest in human history. So why is it these stories had not reached status of sensationalism in the mass media…well at least not till now.

Could it be that now the Republican Party might be getting a wee bit worried about losing control of the house in mid-term elections? Maybe it’s because the Democratic Party wants these stories to get more media attention? Could it be that many more are realizing that patriotism is love of country and not love of a party? Maybe it is just simply the public has ‘had enough and they aren’t going to take it anymore’. It maybe could be just more PC to be against the war since most people now agree the reason(s) given to the public (and government officials) was at best 'bad Intel', at worst complete prevarications.

Well since the media has now decided it is ‘A.O.K.’ to sensational anti-war movements against the war in Iraq I feel as though I must dig through the dusty rags in Reaper’s craw to show some not as sensational reports of these movements.

100,000 Rally, March Against War in Iraq (Published on Sunday, October 27, 2002 by Washington Post) Washington Post

Cities jammed in worldwide protest of war in Iraq (Published on Sunday, February 16, 2003 by CNN) CNN

Iraq War Protesters Name Hundreds Lost (Published on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 by Washington Post) Global Policy

‘End This War’: Hundreds of Thousands Protest Iraq War (Published on Saturday, September 24, 2005 by Reuters) Common Dreams

Protests Mark 3 Years Of Iraq War (Published on Sunday, March 19, 2006 by CBS News) CBS NEWS

And the award for anti-war protest sensitized the most goes to….. (are you holding your breath yet?)

Thousands of anti-war protesters march in NYC (Published Saturday, April 29, 2006 by MSNBC) MSNBC

So again I wonder why aren''t anti-war movements getting noticed by the mass media, do you know?


ononotagain said...

I'm afraid you may be correct! This monster will not be stopped without blood in the streets (however peacefully attempted) The protests against the G8 globalists is a case in point. The one demonstration I attended was as peaceful as could be, Until the "blow ins" (paid agitators) threw marbles under the police horses and smashed a few windows, from then on, it was open slather against the grandmothers and kids protesting in peace. Police (without badge numbers) were assaulting anyone they could reach. The media was getting escorted in by the police to see the "agitators" but not the innocents. That's what got to TV... anarchists attacking horses. The truth was different. Two little words to ponder "Rupert Murdoch."
Hug ya kids, quickly!
