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Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Normally I'm thrilled when the 4th approaches, for various reasons. One (but not most important) it's my birthday, 2nd I would think of how lucky I was to live in a country that was free. Well this year I'm not so thrilled. I read news of how 4 soldiers decide they have the right to rape and murder a young woman, not only that, they kill her family as she was forced to do nothing, awaiting death herself. Then I continue to read and the story goes on to say how two other soldiers in the same platoon were killed by insurgents. This got me wondering were these really 'insurgents ' or was it a case of self-imposed justice? I mean let's think about this just for a minute. What would most do if their family had suffered such horrific treatment and death? If someone killed your brother and his family (including a small helpless child of 5) raped your niece then murdered her? Then place yourself in a place that is overrun with 'outsiders' that seem untouchable by any law you know.

Would you just sit quietly by or would you be enraged enough to want justice in any manner you could?

So this got me to thinking even deeper about the 'insurgents' and who and what exactly is this admin calling such. I mean every time a solider is killed in the war is there no investigation into a reason that might exist why they were singled out? Now don't get me wrong I am not saying that every death is excusable, but should not compassion be extended?

Iraqis are people just like everyone else in this world, they are not less nor more than the rest of us. Yet it seems that many think of Iraqis as less than, that it is acceptable they are being killed by the thousands, that it is ok they are without running water and the basic necessities of life. I'm reminded of two different times in history this way of thought was rampant (not saying there hasn't been other times). One time in history that comes to me is slavery in the states, how people justified their actions by telling themselves that the slaves were less than human the other time that comes to mind is Hitler and his regime. How people then also convinced themselves what they were doing was ok that those the Nazis were enslaving, torturing, and murdering were less than human.

In both of these instances history proved it was wrong and it was a scar on humanity till the end of time. Why do some people never learn? Aren't we as the human race to learn and try to make the world a better place for us all and not just a selected few?

How can I with any good conscience enjoy or take pride this 4th of July? I am stunned by what I see so many say "Well what if Bush lied" or "the ends justifies the means". Damn it, the ends do NOT justify the means, and it is a BIG deal Bush lied, a HUGE deal!! Isn't it time for people to quit dehumanizing other human beings just to salve their own souls. Isn't it time for people to start saying I am not going to be a part of this horrific crime on humanity?

I want to know what number of deaths will be enough to wake people up. Do you know?


ononotagain said...

happy birthday, despite the future outlook. I fervently hope the good americans can regain control this November. It's all up to the American public

AnonymousPoster said...

If you live your life every day dwelling on the inhumanity of life, you will end up needing mental help. Try to look on the good side. Look at the good people in this country do. Look at the good this country has done. Dont dwell on the bad unless you have a solution to fix it AND are willing to do something. You can wallow in self pity all day long but it changes nothing. If you are as distraught as you say you are, get off your ass and do something. In the mean time, take a look around you at the good that comes from the people of this country.

MysticSeaMaiden said...

Thank you very much Ono. I too think the American people will regain control this November. I have hope in the people of the states, most do have a good head on their shoulders. I just wish it wasn't still mths away. :o)

MysticSeaMaiden said...
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MysticSeaMaiden said...

Awww Thank you so much Livid you are too kind. I'm so happy that some see what I was saying. I hope many will wake up and be able to 'read between the lines'. Independence Day means a lot to this country, it was the birth of a new 'world' that wanted freedoms (and no taxes lol). It is a day to look back at all the sacrifices so many have gone through to keep this country free.

It is to be a time to rejoice in the birth of a country founded on wonderful ideals.

Freedom is so great and vast that many do not understand the scope of true freedoms. So many forget what freedom truly is. So many forget as they are trying to limit others views & freedoms; they are themselves, exercising the very freedoms they want taken from others.

But with freedom comes responsibilities and they are to be practice and troops killing and raping innocent people is NOT fulfilling those responsibilities.

I know that war does bring out the worst is some no matter what country, but it is inexcusable. Then to make it worst you have some that say 'hey no big deal' or 'you are just trying to make yourself look good'.

How can you make yourself look good when there has been such atrocious crimes against humanity committed?

Ok enough of that Hey Livid I would be game for sharing a birthday party lol.

Talk to everyone soon

S_LINK90 said...

AnonymousPoster said...

Vox, once again a nice comment. It's sad to see that the muse and others can only see the bad things in life. It must suck to be them. One you forgot to mention was how the country came together after 911 and how many people from all over the country went in person to help and helped from so many places. Muse, open the curtains, the sun is shining!

AnonymousPoster said...

My, my, vox! What an angry response. Excuuuuse me!

I wasnt criticising just merely adding to the discussion. I didnt imply that you were remiss in doing so. I guess you have been hanging around the rest of these jerks too long already. Or, maybe you are just like them. Sigh, I had hope for at least one of you.
