
Search Ratttler

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


More and more each day my pity for AP grows. Does she perhap fears any that debate with facts and lead with their hearts and mind could be a threat to her way of life.

Maybe this new form of imitation that has been bestowed upon me by AP could be AP's way of reaching for hope. Come on admit AP you see a light never before exposed to you. You fear it for you know not what it is. Hun it is nothing to fear, just the light of truth.

I extend an invite to join the light side to be on the 'right' side for once. I welcome you to the world of facts and feelings. Will you not leave your world of denial and fabrications, see the truth?

No, huh? Well could you at least pretend to read the damn posting and comment on it instead of just using silly, childish , unoriginal insults?

Show some respect for some here that work hard at their postings and share information useful to us all. You think you could 'act' that mature?

You want to attack me I got plenty of postings here for you to attack. But for you to just go to anyone's post to attack someone that was not the author of the post truly shows your immature ways. Ways I would not brag about if I was you. Now go ahead post some more silly, meanless and lowbred comment that has zero to do with the original posting. Go ahead make your Link boy proud, at least now if you just have to be an immature brat you got this thread to do so.

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S_LINK90 said...

poor livid dont know what way to turn these days.
he is so mixed up with hate and the thoughts of armageddon he is just a lost soul.
what ya have to understan is that poor livid is an old man,,,, things are winding down for poor livid,,,.
you know things are getting bad when ya spend your days in front of a computer giving your self prostate exams 3 times a day,,,.
poor livid,,,.

AnonymousPoster said...

Well, well, well. This is quite interesting. Is there any blindness more horrific than the blindness of stupidity and ignorance? The Muse has said that I fail to read posts (how would I respond in kind to them if I didn't, muse?) and obviously hasn't read my comments or she would have known I have indeed responded with factual information. The muse says that people who post on this blog work hard at their postings and find information useful to us all? Hmmm, is bashing other people useful information, because mostly all I see here is blithering insults and attacks on other people. You see, this is what I take offense to; its your continual attacks on others in your blog. That's all this blog was meant for. (I'm sure Claus could back this up) This blog was created for the sole purpose to attack The Tattler. Its become a site of insults and attacks. So, lets take a look at some of your attacks.(that you say you don't do) Right here in good ole black and white. Oh, for verification purposes, I had only the blog entries available to me now, but there are soo many more.

Muse's stupid, childish attacks:
1. "You think you could 'act' that mature?"
2. "Perhaps we should feel pity for the likes such as AP."
3. "Maybe they didn't get enough attention as children.
4. "AP is being able to exercise their new founded ability of reading."
5. "Well I guess Virginia thought perhaps if people knew she expanded her impertinent little group, people would be amazed and could not resist taking a peek "
6. "Yes ladies and gentlemen Virginia needs our help."
7. I've never seen something as childish and rude posted on this blog as I did on virginia's and S_Link's blog. ( I am glad I wasnt standing next to the muse when she said this!)
8. "Now it is just a guess but maybe he does have a correct nic for himself. "S"ad "Link" in the chain of humanity. "

Muse says that she's never seen such childish and rude postings... well, let's just see....
1. "Oh, wait, it's just VicFerrariPiddlingGoon"
2. "Yeah, we get it, the BLOG is named Social Diatribes. Can you think up an original
name for your post now, you cretin?" (ya mean JC like the RATTLER wasn't a take off on the TATTLER? quite un-original you cretin!)
3 "and is he doomed to forever roam the earth as a zombie, feeding on the tasty, tasty brains of the living and writing the same inane blog post for all eternity? Sisyphus never had it so rough. "(What? you mean your own zombiemaster feeds on the tasty brains of the living? )

I could go on but Claus isn't posting too much these days.

Now, on to Zombiemaster and his personal, childish attacks....on "bunch of neocon whores ".
1. on S-Link90: "Here is another one who stepped up and got bitch slapped by me many timesere is another one who stepped up and got bitch slapped by me many times"
and.......... "Let this be a lesson to you never to try fucking with me again."
2. on Virginia1776- "Here we have a person who is a fat, stinky trailer park whore who shows her stupidity ervery day. My advice to you is to first of all, take a shower and call Jenny Craig, "
3. on Jay156- "This joker is still around? His mom should change the password on her computer so he can't pollute the internet."
4. on "Sanit" Casey "I recommend a trip to rehab for him so he can get with the program"
5. on MosesKnows- "King of all Liars in any SI room. I recommend a deprogramming is in order because watching Fox news does make you a mindless Zombie (no pun intended)"
6. on VicFerrari- "Everyone's favorite whipping boy. We all know he owns the only copy of the Rush L and Sean Hannity 4 hour gay love fest on Hi def DVD."

Isabella has made her own attacks on a certain few. I have seen nothing from Isabella other than attacks here. Perhaps that is her sole purpose. I don't know what obsession she has for Vic Ferrari, but her attacks are not well founded. Its my personal opinion that Vic has the upper hand on you all. He plays you all like a well tuned piano and you all play right into his hands.

As for Livid.... Oh Livid... sigh. You have so much to learn. Most of Livid's attacks are at Virginia and S Link... is there some kind of obsession there?
1. "S_Link has the unfortunate habit of keeping his nose up V's butt as much as possible. In this case, Virginia sat on the floor of the pantry consuming 18 packages of Hostess Twinkies (our entire supply) and S_Link just got in the way."
2. "Hey Virginia? Is this a reference to your trailer and the trash that abides within? Hummmm?? "
3. "I get them back exactly what they give me and others, including you, in kind.
Jenny Craig won't take Virginia's calls, somethin' about the bad press involved in a failed project."
4. "Claus, In defense of Vic, you couldn't hear his defense cuz his lips have been welded to Bush's anus. Comes out as a mumble.. stinks to high heaven too.. whew.. shrugs..."
5. "Virginia says Claus is suspiciously obsessed, and yet she's the one who keeps responding to his posts. Look out claus, don't let her fall on.. er.. for you. LOL!!
6. "And even on the off chance the name is no longer Virginia's, you are willing to let her take the brunt and still hide from us. That is truly pathetic if true. (How many times have I told you, Livid, that I am not Virginia!!!??!!! How is that willing to let her take the brunt? How stupid do you have to be not to understand that?)
7. " I stand by what I say about the fascists who attack here all the time, while not allowing the same free speech on THEIR blog that is provided here. "
8. "Slink n' nomad? Don't you girls have anything better to than play with each other's lil peepees? "
9. "nomad.. this is exactly what I expect from chronic bed wetters like you."
10. "It used to be S_Link pretending to stand up for Virginia until he figured out she's called that cuz her backside's the size of the state."
11. "Now go back to your fearful little hole in the ground and stay there like the rest of the worms. "
Whew! You're on a roll Livid!

It occurs to me that you people of The Rattler can dish it out but you cant take it. When someone points out your horrible flaws, you attack them viciously and you don't stop until it becomes an obsession. In chat rooms, you return questions with questions. Can you not answer one? You return factual comments with insults and attacks. You make up lies about people. You make up fictitious chat room text and post it on your blog. I know this because its been done to me. Your whole intent on this blog is to make fun of people who don't agree with you. People who have differing views than you do. You seem to think that you are right and they are mentally retarded for thinking differently than you do. We all have opinions. We all have a right to them and they are ours. They are not wrong. They are simply OUR opinions. You post on this blog for the sole intent to chastise others for their views. To somehow try to prove your power and position in whatever dream world you live in. It's easy to sit behind your keyboard and puff out your internet chest and be the bully, but I doubt you would do it in your real lives. I simply have had enough. I decided to toast you with a little of your own medicine and you don't like it. You cant stand it. One of you made a comment about not allowing posts on Virginia's site. Isn't that what you did when you tried to squeeze me out by not allowing anonymous posters? You do what you say others do and then complain that they do it. Nice try at doublespeak.

Muse said I should show some respect for some here that work hard at their postings. The only posting I have seen that wasn't made in an effort to trash or make fun of someone else was by Vox. I don't know who she is, but I hope she posts more here and that her attitude might rub off on the rest of you. Livid plagiarized what seemed like a whole article and tried to pass it off as his own. When confronted, he rared back those fangs and talons came out breathing green, steamy clouds. You all pretended that it is the conservatives who did exactly what you do. Its a trait I have found rampant amongst liberals. Doublespeak. Do it, and say they did it.

As for the muse, I chose to be anonymous here because I can. That's the only reason. Actually I didn't want another name and password to keep up with. I could tell you who I really am, but you wouldn't believe me. You will believe I am Virginia. Actually, that's somewhat flattering since I think Virginia is an intelligent young woman. She is informed and tries to maintain a conversation and has the patience to hang in there with you all when you're attacking her and some others on mic in those rooms. Its really sad that you all cant talk about a subject without attacking people. Take a look at your own comments in reply to postings. You hide behind the term facetious and expect it to cover your ass and give you a license to be nasty. I admit that I did some of my own little attacks. It was all for a reason to show you what you're doing. Maybe you're not capable of seeing it, but I hope you can.

I ask you all, to think about what I have said. I ask you to look at the attacks I have noted that you have made on other people. Those aren't all, just some of the few still left on the blog. See that you all are doing the attacking.. really better than anyone in my opinion. Don't pretend you're some wounded innocent weakling only trying to exercise your literary talents. If there were an award for personal attacks, you guys would win, hands down!! You have some kind of "do as I say do not as I do mentality. You think you can treat others horribly but no one would dare cross you! Think about how you all treat each other. You cant sit on your high horses and pretend you didn't fire the first shot. I think S_Link, Virginia, whoever nomad is, and others are only responding to the treatment they get from you. Why not be the ones who extend the olive branch? I ask that Virginia, Link and all the others do as well. Someone has to. I only hope that my experiment here has made some kind of effect. We are all Americans. We may have differing views on things but we shouldn't attack each other.

The muse said, "Does she perhap fears any that debate with facts and lead with their hearts and mind could be a threat to her way of life." Actually I think there are some typos there but I understand what she is trying to say. (As a point; had I made the same error in a statement, I'm sure it would be ridiculed for not making sense, but I can take the higher road.) Do you call all the threats and attacks made in the blog postings are debate with facts that lead with your heart and mind? If that's what your heart says, then there is something wrong with you. I think if you take an honest look at yourself you will see you don't believe your crap anymore than the rest of us. Think about it. Can you all respond with respect, or just more of the same ole crap? Once and for all, Virginia, I apologize for any attacks you may have taken in chat rooms by them thinking I am you. I kept trying to tell them I wasn't you but they just wouldn't listen.

"just a spoon full of medicine helps the medicine go down."

So, that's the way I see it, and I will remain sincerely,


AnonymousPoster said...


I apologize that I neglected to include you in my response. I dont believe I have seen anything very negative from you and your last post was very clear. However, I think insults are insults regardless of being gender specific or not. It doesnt excuse them.

Indeed the Rattler was begun to insult the Tattler. The Tattler, whomever he/she may be was a bright and very insightful person who had a way of seeing the nature of people. I too miss the Tattler. Most of the time it was intended as a fun jab at us all. The Rattler, surely you must admit, is totally a different animal. Claus wants it to be a mix of back and forth jabs. Now that so many people are involved, he sits back and revels in his creation and the infighting that goes on. What good could come of this?

MysticSeaMaiden said...

AP you do not read the postings here let me show you with your very own words. Perfect example in Vox's posting about racism and misunderstandings titled WHITE WALLS DIVIDE. Here is what you had to say in that thread

"I know facetious muse isnt that "special type of person to admit mistakes" I dont think she even read your post, but nice try anyway muse. Crawl back into your hole".

Yes I see how that was on topic of that thread, and just in case you try to say you were responding to an attack from me here is what I said

"Vox this is wonderful posting, we are after all human and tend to make mistakes. Yet it takes a special type of person to admit mistakes (however unintentional) and try to learn from them. So many can learn from your post and Vox Brava"

Show me where you even attempted to be on topic in that posting. Want more? If you do please let me know all I got to do is look thoughout the blog to many cases where you only posted to attack, but I do have a question for you why do you fear me so much?

MysticSeaMaiden said...

Another thing AP you truly had not read the postings here there are many posting by different authors here on The Rattler that has nothing to do with Paltalk at all. You really should be careful what you seem to think is truth, for anyone reading through out this blog will see with no problems how you attacked without anyone going after you first.

You got pissed off at Livid for calling you out in a paltalk chat room and so you thought you would do 'pay back' as a coward and hidden in this blog which allows freedom of expression.

Yes I did say all of those things about you and I stick to them, you act like an immature spoiled brat. That is a fact that anyone can see themselves from your very own words.

Name one thing I have said that was not well deserved or correctly said.

I could be a total bore and post in here why you received such treatment here, but we both know it was in response to your silly childish insults.

I cannot speak for others, but i can speak for myself and hun you decided to start this little cat/mouse game.

As I said before I love a good laugh and that is what this has become, seems to me if anyone is being stressed over this game YOU decided to start it is you.

So go ahead have your fun, post away, don't forget all the insults at least now you have a thread you can be insulting in towards me without opprobrious BS to others and their hard work they put into their threads

~~Sweet Smile~~

AnonymousPoster said...

You still dont get it Muse. Why do you obsess about this? You said "Show me where you even attempted to be on topic in that posting." Go back and look at how many postings there are for anonymous posters. How do YOU know I was not on topic. You dont even know which anonymous poster I am. By the way, are you the room monitor? Tell me where it says one cannot post a comment on a comment? Oh, wait, it doesnt and you are the queen of posting off topic.

My first posting was to Zombiemaster's post titled S_Link90 dated Friday, June 16 at 1:49am. There were 6 anonymous postings on that blog and only one of which was me. You chimed in after being absent from the blog for a time (as evidenced by your comment) saying that things havent changed in Paltalk, so could it be that you think Im someone else? Well DUH! The next time you hunt and peck on your keyboard it is to complain about anonymous posters. Sorry, "hun" I didnt post on that one.

Today, you said, "I cannot speak for others, but i can speak for myself and hun you decided to start this little cat/mouse game." Well "hun", Im glad you dont try to speak for others because you would be wrong in any case. YOU noted the anonymous poster there and I had not even posted on that blog, YOU ARE WRONG.

You also said, "You got pissed off at Livid for calling you out in a paltalk chat room and so you thought you would do 'pay back' as a coward and hidden in this blog which allows freedom of expression." I never got pissed off at Livid for calling me out in a paltalk chat room. because I didnt know he did. I would love to have heard it. Would have been a good laugh! WRONG AGAIN! LOL

You said, "Name one thing I have said that was not well deserved or correctly said." Probably just about everything you have said.

You can dish it but you cant take it, aye? Youre not as smart or as smug as you think you are!

MysticSeaMaiden said...

AP all I have to say is response to your last comment here is this: When the 'anonymous poster' decided to go to Vox's wonderfully written thread titled "WHITE WALLS DIVIDE" the only anonymous poster still allowed to post on the ratttler was limited to the only one that joined Blogger using anonymous poster as their nick, and that would be you and you alone.

All I have to say to you about your weak attempt of goading.

AnonymousPoster said...

Livid is still wrong about my identity. I think its funny how obsessed he is with it. It would be really hilarious if his obsession wasnt so creepy. Livid, dont you have a life, man? Youre still wrong... so wrong. lol If you only knew what a dumbass you appear to be!

I just want to say that we are all anonymous here. Im sure Livid is not on his birth certificate. Im sure the muse's mother didnt name her such a stupid name either. To chastise me for being anonymous is kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. I do go into paltalk under a different name, but I have to wonder why you care so much. Obsession.. its not healthy. Get help.

MysticSeaMaiden said...

AP I could care less if you want to remain hidden more so than a nic gives you on pal. I was simply pointing out to you That you were in fct the one that coment on Vox's thread. Seemly that you were trying to sort of deny that.

Carry On

~~Sweet Smile~~
