
Search Ratttler

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems Virginia is having a wee bit trouble getting people to read her blog. Why else would she go into a room on paltalk and continue posting her blog when there was an outcry most had better things to do with their time (cleaning the gutters, washing the dog, or emptying the cat's litter box, just to mention a few).

Well I guess Virginia thought perhaps if people knew she expanded her impertinent little group, people would be amazed and could not resist taking a peek (my name isn't Facetious Muses for nothing;o) ). Then she had to say the names of those now included in her group, one being Captain Crunch , yes it's the same one you're thinking of.

Well even Captain Crunch is flummoxed to have been invited to join in with Virginia and her sidekicks, and I do quote from Captain Crunch himself:

i swore i would never be a member of a club or organization that would have "ME" as a member....

Moving on, from one of our hidden cams inside Virginia's blog came this picture of Virginia sharing her expertise on blogging with Captain Crunch:

Yes ladies and gentlemen Virginia needs our help.

~~Sweet Smile~~

