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Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Here is an interesting response from Mr.ArchieBunker over at Social Diatribes in regards to facetious Muse's article ANTI-WAR PROTESTS....SOMETHING NEW?"

The 'Rattler' endorses violence Why am I not surprised??? Pathetic, utterly pathetic. This only serves to prove my point that the radical left would love to see America in flames.
posted by MrArchieBunker 3:13 AM

I read what Archie wrote and I did a double take. FM's post was about how the media is spinning the protests as violent, they won't report on the peaceful ones because there is no value in those stories and it is no way a show of support for the violent means some people take. Now, I suppose you guys want me to go on a tirade about Archie but I wont. I just will ask him to read the post again (if he read it at all) and look at the research put into it to strongly show the point FM was trying to make about how bias the media can be and how it can turn something good into something hideous. As for your crotch shot at the left, well...It is kinda funny but I think you are reading into something that isn't there or you believing the lies the media (fox news is an example) want you to believe thus proving Fm's point to be correct.

I, myself think it is time for everyone to act like they are using the brain God gave them and quit being zombies that Rush, Fox news and even the white house want to turn us American into. Its almost like McCarthyism has risen from the dead again and is about ready to strike the land again (and we saw the damage it did). We learn history so we don't have to repeat it but some never learn and are doomed to relive it. We all have to dig deep inside of us to see if we really want to buy this bill of Goods or do we try to resolve the conflicts this world faces another.

As for those on the Right, it is well known that they live off of war, pain, suffering and the sheer joy of keeping other down while sitting at the tennis club drinking martinis and crapping in 24k toilets while the rest of us have to decide on buying food for the week or paying the light bill.This is a sad time in America when oil companies record record profits while the heating bills go higher and higher and a man's wage goes lower and lower. The poor are being neglected and kids are homeless while big business grows fatter and fatter each day. Its an unfair balance and one day the bubble will burst and all of us will feel the effect. Our nation is weakening by the hour and the elite don't care, they got their homes in France or Bel Aire to retreat to. What does the rest of America have? Nothing. We don't have a safety net or an offshore account to fall back on. That's why I want to see the country change because the people running it are killing it. Its as plain as the nose on your face and if you cant see that, dig that plank out of your eyes and look around. Maybe then you will see why we are protesting for a change. The voices are not going away and they are getting louder by the mintune.

Thank you for reading and God Bless!

P.S: I want to thank everyone for their sweet comments on my retirement post.Your kind words meant a lot to me.


MysticSeaMaiden said...

So happy you stayed Z :)
Also Thank you very much for letting others know what the posting was about. Also if you noticed the 'cartoon' you will see who was wearing all black and had masks on :o)

Mass Media is NOT covering all the news. It is a shame that I can get news alerts from across the globe a day or so before I get one in the states.

I wish people would wake and see that everything that you said Z is correct. People more and more everyday CANNOT afford to even live. Gas is outragous then heating a home. Also cost of food had gone up about 12% to help "offset" the rising cost "corp' have to pay for transporting goods.

Today more proof this admin is taking funds from other programs and sinking them into this illegal "war" and that is how American Citizens in Lebanon have to pay US governement for safe passage out of Lebanon. First time ever there has been a charge for it. I will have more about this later.

If Anti War protests are what the likes of MR Bunker call violence I can't help but wonder, what in the hell do they call the war in IRAQ???

Hope to see more postings from you Z and all words in your one posting were fom the heart, you are a great blogger here would hate to lose you.

TC Z and give my best wishes to your family :o)
