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Thursday, July 20, 2006


There I was, sitting quietly in paltalk, waiting my chance to put my opinion to the room. I had things to say about the mutual love we all have with our children, our shared dreams of peace, prosperity and happiness, The things we share being greater than the things that seperate us, and how we all need to unite and stop the senseless slaughter being done in our name.
Then Magnum and Jess both drooled their sheer ignorance into the mic, with the Jackals in the back ground (the VanillaMammis and her ilk) snapping at any heels they could find.
By the time I got to the Mic I was apoplectic with rage that these fools could support the carnage!
I'm sorry folks, but events have overtaken Paltalk as a venue for sharing opinions, when those opinions can support the rampant genocide conducted by USA/Israel war machine!
I will NO LONGER tolerate those blind patriots, I will use ignore and mute. This is NOT closing my mind, it is shielding it from your inhumane venom. It is NO LONGER a matter of different opinions. WE ARE AT WAR!


AnonymousPoster said...

So tell me, why wont Hezbollah return the two soldiers they kidnapped? Why did they kidnap them? You think that was a good idea? Granted, Israel's response has been drastic, but they didn't fire the first shot.

The whole mess over there is nonsense.

MysticSeaMaiden said...

My Goodness so many words to say so little nomad. I cannot believe anyone would cheer for the death of others.

AP I find myself somewhat in agreement with you, I also agree that Israel's response has been overboard to say the least.

Now on to my opinion of the whole mess, too many immature, petty people are in charge of countries at this moment in time.

War and death have become the first response to any and all actions in so many parts of the world. Yet I wonder is this really any worst than it ever has been, maybe we are just hearing about it now more often.

Whatever it is I am so ashame of so so many that claim to care for humanity cheering on death of others. I just cannot believe how many just say 'well they are muslim so they are terrorists'. People it is time to wake up and quit the little smartass remarks. Things are serious now and the US prolly won't be 'out' of the fighting ring with Israel and Hezbollah for long. People have got to realize Citizens of Lebanon are being killed, not just those involved in Hezbollah.

People also need to see that these wars are seeming to be common place and so many are being able to ignore how many innocent people are dying due to these wars.

I just wish people in general would get over their 'pissing contests' and realized we all are of the human race. I am sick in heart and tired in mind of all the hatred I have been seeing displayed. This is not just a conservative or a liberal thing. I see people from both sides spreading hate and fear. Someone let me know are there so many so weak minded people that unfounded fears rules their every decision?

AP as far as your question why won't Hezbollah return the soldiers, that is a good question. To be honest with you I don't even know why Hezbollah kidnapped them. I will be doing some research of this see what I find if you heard of anything to help explain an answer this question let me know please. But remember how the US has a very strick rule about no talks with terrorists (even though US has has talks before but that is for another day :o)}perhaps that is what Hezbollah is doing? Now don't go attacking me, I am not saying could that be the case just I wonder.

