
Search Ratttler

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Muse, I headed over to Virginia's place to scout out the new draftees. All I can tell you is, just because the state mental hospital installs a few computers in the Sunroom, does NOT mean V has to let every patient who can reach the keyboard onto her blog. I knew for awhile that the pool of available talent on the conservative side was sparse, but I thought there was an unwritten rule that no conservative writer could be more incoherent than George W. Bush himself.

Apparently desperation has forced the Paltalk conservatives to huddle together for warmth as the American people search house to house with pitchforks and torches, looking for the last vestiges of the neocon snake oil salesmen that promised them hearts and flowers and instead delivered IEDs and Halliburton fraud. It is indeed a frightening time to be a conservative, and it surprises us not at all that they would gather in one place to share stories of past victories and manufacture tattered bravado to try and seize the initiative from the hated liberal hordes.

We welcome you, bloodied and beaten conservatives, you happy few, and many liberals will regret that they were not here with us, to snark you into oblivion.



AnonymousPoster said...

Hee he hee

And Claus is afraid of an anonymous poster?
