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Sunday, July 09, 2006


MrArchieBunker at MonocleMania 2006

The first entry by the alpha-goon of the pathetic braintrust over at Social Diatribes is out, and believe me, the Heritage Foundation has nothing to worry about. Like a Lab gnawing on a rawhide bone, MrArchieBunker has found a new term, "monomania," and he is busy running around the playground, slapping his label on every flat surface available:

...The dictionary describes monomania as 'Pathological obsession with one idea or subject.' While our friends on the radical left certainly don't have a monopoly on this pathology, they do indeed seems to suffer from it disproportionately. Have you ever noticed that people who spend a lot of time on the mic seem to repeat the same speech (or a slight variant thereof) ad nauseum??? I certainly have. Exhibit #1) Livid: The debate is over (a favorite tactic of the radical left, one that betrays their authoritarian roots).....America has been hijacked by fascists...and our political system is corrupt. Livid does manage to mix it up a bit, but every time he takes the mic, its always the same speech, more or less. Exhibit#2) Jesus Claus: Claus, with his Jihad on all things conservative and traditional, has a few more stump speeches, but they all revolve around a central theme...The Democrat party is the saviour of America, and anyone who disagrees with that proposition is an obvious racist who hates poor people...

It was fortuitous and somewhat embarrassing for Arch that he would walk into the room while we were in the throes of a debate over the direction and efficacy of the Democratic Party. Quite a disconfirmation of his new pet theory, wouldn't you say? Like a Texas lawyer hunting pheasant with Dick Cheney, Arch has no idea what he walked into. And like a bird in one of those "canned hunts," he has come woefully unprepared for the duel:

MrArchieBunker: <<--monomaniacs exposed
MrArchieBunker: Moderate, Casey thinks all Demoncats are saints
Jesus Claus: what is leftist deconstructionism?
Jesus Claus: what does that even mean?
MrArchieBunker: You know, deconstruction of the work ethic, the traditional family, etc...Claus
Saint Casey of NY: jesus, its a new term Neo Conservatives came up with in a focus group that sounds bad and is supposed to make people hate liberals.
Jesus Claus:
Jesus Claus: by extending the right to marry to the gheys?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: ooogabooga
Jesus Claus: da gheys are coming!
Jesus Claus: da gheys are coming!
Saint Casey of NY: who are the "gheys"?
Jesus Claus: they're like the gays
Jesus Claus: only scarier
Jesus Claus: archie's frightened
Saint Casey of NY: ohhhhh, I see
Jesus Claus: gays in clown makeup
Jesus Claus: clowns scare archie
MrArchieBunker: The glorification and subsidizing of single motherhood Claus
Jesus Claus: traumatic childhood incident
Jesus Claus: glorification?
Saint Casey of NY: armchair said he supports gay rights the other day. You mean he's changing his position on that tonight?
Jesus Claus: Archie, do you know what has caused single motherhood?
Jesus Claus: the ability of women to LEAVE men
MrArchieBunker: Tell me genius
Jesus Claus: before, they
Jesus Claus: HAD to stay
Jesus Claus: because they were property
Jesus Claus: archie, why do strong women scare you?
Jesus Claus: arch, if you don't like single motherhood, why oppose sex education and condoms?
MrArchieBunker: Unlike you Claus, I made an effort to keep the name calling to a minimum
Jesus Claus: no, you don't
Jesus Claus: everything you do is name calling
Jesus Claus: people are communists
Jesus Claus: or in league with fascists
Jesus Claus: you're long on ad hom, short on facts
Jesus Claus: and you know better, arch
Jesus Claus: none of us are monomaniacs
MrArchieBunker: Oh, I'm just getting started
Jesus Claus: and I will throw down and debate you on any subject you want
MrArchieBunker: Each and every one of you are monomaniacs
Jesus Claus: except that we can argue on numerous topics
Jesus Claus: and we just got done talking about problems with the Demcratic party
MrArchieBunker: The monomaniac is EXPOSED
Jesus Claus: so shove your monomaniac up your ass
Jesus Claus: tell us one thing Casey is saying that isn't true
Jesus Claus: go ahead arch
Jesus Claus: we'll wait
MrArchieBunker: Casey is monomania personified
Jesus Claus: and Vic isn't?
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahahaha
Jesus Claus: arch, mote and log my friend
MrArchieBunker: While our friends on the radical left certainly don't have a monopoly on this pathology, they do indeed seems to suffer from it disproportionately.
Jesus Claus: says who?
MrArchieBunker: Hilarious
Jesus Claus: hahahahahahaha
MrArchieBunker: I love this
MrArchieBunker: The left always eats its own
Jesus Claus: arch, this is called debate
Jesus Claus: being a conservative, you're not used to it
MrArchieBunker: Gannon, LOL
MrArchieBunker: See what I mean Claus??
Jesus Claus:
MrArchieBunker: It's called 'monomania'
Jesus Claus: he's right
Jesus Claus: every fact is correct
Jesus Claus: let me ask you a question
Jesus Claus: archie
MrArchieBunker: Pathological obsession with one idea or subject. <<--monomania
Jesus Claus: the witchhunt after Clinton
Jesus Claus: monomania?
MrArchieBunker: I live in 2006, not 1998
Jesus Claus: don't avoid the question, pansy
Jesus Claus: confront the issue
Jesus Claus: don't change the rules because you don't like how they are applied
Jesus Claus: be honest
MrArchieBunker: Perhaps it was monomania
Jesus Claus: ahhhhhhh!
Jesus Claus: well, then
Jesus Claus: turnabout is fair play
Jesus Claus: is it not?
MrArchieBunker: Obession with past grievances gets us nowhere
Jesus Claus: let's say, hypothetically, that all of this, the liberal pursuit of Bush and republicans, is ONLY and SOLELY a contrivance in revenge for Clinton
Jesus Claus: fair?
Jesus Claus: or not fair?
MrArchieBunker: maybe, I'm not in a mood to jump thru your hoops Claus, cut to the chase
Jesus Claus: the hoops are the point
Jesus Claus: you have no cause for complaint
Jesus Claus: you have no factual basis at all
Jesus Claus: and you are only whining now because the game is being played by the rules your side chose
Jesus Claus: so STOP WHINING
Jesus Claus: you're pathetic
MrArchieBunker: Claus, you are obsessed with partisan politics, obviously this all goes straight over your head
Jesus Claus: well, now we have it, don't we
Jesus Claus: ?
Jesus Claus: you're admitting that your side was crazed in going after Clinton
Jesus Claus: so, now you should go back and edit your post to reflect that
MrArchieBunker: Partisan politics 24/7 with you Claus
Jesus Claus: that monomania is FINE AND DANDY if it's against a Democrat
MrArchieBunker: You can't see the forrest for the trees
Jesus Claus: MrArchieBunker loves monomania if it's working for his side
Jesus Claus: explain to me what I can't see
MrArchieBunker: I said maybe
Jesus Claus: go ahead
Jesus Claus: oh, you said MAYBE
Jesus Claus: so MAYBE monomania is ok sometimes?
MrArchieBunker: This is rich, it just confirms everything I wrote in the blog
Jesus Claus: MAYBE republican obsessions are ok
Jesus Claus: does it?
Jesus Claus: how does it?
Jesus Claus: you've admitted that republicans may have done EXACTLY what you claim to now hate
Jesus Claus: we all know people like you, Arch
Jesus Claus: people who cheat when the ref isn't looking, then whine and moan when the rules are applied to them
Jesus Claus: waa waa
Jesus Claus: waa waa
MrArchieBunker: You are so easy to bait Claus, but I've had my fun
Jesus Claus: me too
Jesus Claus: this is all going onto the blog, arch
Jesus Claus: your scintillating defense of your premise
Jesus Claus: bravo, arch
Jesus Claus: well done indeed

What more can be added to that? What kind of disingenuous blowhard would sonorously bemoan the lack of civility and moderation in politics after his own party of slavering spittle-flecked maniacs rampaged for a decade in a fit of, dare I say it, monomania? Arch, I think I have the perfect title for your next post: "Hypocrisy."



S_LINK90 said...

