Perhaps I am just a cynic when it comes to politics, and USA politics in particular, but I believe that there is only ONE real Democrat candidate in this election and his name is Barack Obama, and the closer I look the more I see that he is not going to be the next President of the USA. He was never going to be the next President of the USA. He is a pawn, used to divide and conquer. A game that the USA plays to perfection at home and abroad.
America you are going to get the President you deserve, again! It is the Americans in the minority that my sympathies go to. The poor buggers that can do nothing to stop this game now that it is in play. They have to cling to the flimsy threads of hope, that there will be change. Alas, my dear American friends, it is an illusion. The power brokers know how few Americans will actually vote, and if they get it wrong and it looks like they might fail, they'll cook up another scheme.
You are going to get more of the same, whether you vote for Hillary or McCain. In fact I think Hillary is working harder for the Republicans than McCain, he is cruising along. We are going to hear the Star Spangled Banner playing as more and more of your beautiful young people die in wars that profit a few.
Someone PLEASE convince me that I am wrong, I so hate to find myself agreeing with that crusty old bugger xxxmwxxx. I so don't want to believe this is even possible. But I have seen Americans fall into the traps that have been set time and time again. I have also seen the hint of despair creeping onto the face of Barack Obama, when day after day he is attacked for being Muslim, unpatriotic, and now supporting what they say is a racist Pastor who had the temerity to say "God Damn you America." That is what he is being castigated for and for speaking the truth. Americans can't handle the truth, and to have it thrown into their face by a black man, how dare he.
Even Dusty_44 has said he will not vote in this election if Obama is the candidate. A staunch Democrat all his life, and sucked in by the tricks of the Republicans. How well they know their loyal subjects. They play you like a fiddle.
How disheartening for Barack Obama to realise that the country he loves hates him for not being a white male. And from where I am sitting that is what it is boiling down to with the majority, and this is evidenced in the slide in the polls Obama has suffered in the past week. SAD.
The overt racism expressed in Mainstream Politics was one of the reasons I no longer Admin in that room. It was a microcosm of what I know it happening in the wider community, and it sickened me.
mylady_arwen_1's room has a much tighter reign on racial slurs, however last night young Champ from Australia continues to express racial views for which he would be charged under Australia's racial vilification and hate speech laws. Racial slurs are not the only way to express vile racist opinions and Champ must be jumping around like Rumpelstiltskin that he is allowed to pretty much say what he likes in this forum. Fortunately, Paltalk has the ignore member in room feature which so many people opt for when this little cretin speaks.
vixee stumbled out of bed and started waffling about something totally unrelated to the conversation, which was about free speech vs. racial vilification laws. She took her soapbox and proceeded to give us her take on the anger and vile putrid racism we see oozing from the very pores of people in the USA during this current election.
"This is not racism, this is just anger. People and families are under pressure." "It is a concept" Whatever that last comment means is anyone's guess.
Racism in the USA is not a concept, perhaps Vixee meant CONSTRUCT, because it is certainly that. Oh dear and don't anyone, especially me, contradict this woman when she talks bloody gobbldy-gook, utter nonsense, with an air that suggests she has the Holy Grail of knowledge in these matters. Unable to defend her position when challenged, she went on the personal attack, and told me how I am just angry and hateful, period. Then she tried to make some stabs at Barack Obama, which illuminated what many already know about Vixee, she is a political dolt. She added further evidence to that contention when she said she was not voting for any of them. Good, Vixee, don't pick a side then no one can accuse you of 'losing.' Be the fence sitter the people who run the show want you to be, there's a good little slave. The Suffragette's who fought the battle for women to vote need not have bothered for women like Vixee.
Dear Rattlers do you see what the USA is up against? I do. An overpopulation of people like Vixee, who run around with their heads up their arses and leave the important decisions for others.
You are a long way from a revolution America, and nothing short of that is going to give you a country to which you and people around the world will be able to say "God Bless America"
I disagree that Obama will not be president. Assuming the convention goes as planned, he will be the Dem nominee, and this is practically a freebie for the Dems this time.
McCain is walking into the twin shredder of support for the failed Iraq war, and an economy heading for a crippling recession. The Republican has no chance in November.
JC...Hillary Clinton is second prize.
JC... I think it was Mother Jones who said "Pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living" Keep up the fight and I hope you are right.
Just a small correction: Democrats call their party The Democratic Party
*So a candidate from the party should be called as much.
Cry more Obama supporters. You say he's dropping in polls because he has black skin. I say you vote for him just because he's black.
Obama is over and done with. He had a little spark and that's it.
His current image is that of a president that will be president of the blacks. What will you do for the white people, Obama?
Scrooge you are a brainless little cretin. How you reached a conclusion that Obama dropped in the polls because he has black skin is beyond comprehension.
Obama has dropped in the polls you fool because there are too many Americans like yourself who need a frontal lobotomy!
Anonymous: 12:57 I have not heard anyone on Paltalk espouse the opinions I expressed in my Blog. I reached those opinions from various sources and not excluding observations from people in chat rooms. Like it or not, the chat rooms do provide a reasonably accurate microcosm of how Americans react in a given set of circumstances. I have been on this program now for two elections and it was clear to me long before the so called 'Diebold' fraud that Bush was going to be returned. In 2004 the adoration for George Bush across the USA and in Paltalk chat rooms was rock solid.
The support for Obama has not been strong enough for people not to turn on him over the Pastor Wright affair, which shows me how far Americans have yet to travel before they shake off that entrenched belief that the black man in the USA is less worthy.
Pastor Wright is not the first black or white USA Pastor to be outspoken about the past wrongs of the USA. He may be the first to say "God Damn You America" and jingoistic flag waving USA can't deal with that. Yet when your current President said "You with us or you are against us" when he intended to invaded a country and kill innocents, 100's millions of Americans waved their flags and said "We's with you Massa."
Defensiveness is probably natural for most of us. I'm American, and I've never assumed us absolutely innocent, though I believe in the principle of such an assumption for most peoples, just not stating it as an irrefutible fact.
What would trouble many Americans is not solely what Wright claimed, but also his presentation. It might be immature, weak, etc., but people don't like being yelled at, insulted much of the time, even if they deserve it. If what Wright says is true, that truth hurts much more when glued to an oncoming mallet.
Anon: 7:24 No one wants more than I do to be proven wrong in my opinion of what I see happening from a distance. I hope with every fiber of my being that neither McCain or Clinton become the next President of the USA. Quite apart from what it will mean to the American people and the continued lack of global instability, I don't think I could tolerate the gloating of the Repukes on Paltalk, who are reminiscent of Nero, who fiddled while Rome burned.
WFG: Criticism based on lies, spoken softly, is far worse that criticism base on absolute truth.
Pastor Wright is not an outsider, a foreigner from another country slamming the truth into your faces, he is an American, and therefor would be including himself as a recipient of some of the criticism regarding the foreign policies of the USA. Watch the video again he says:
"WE have moved from the hatred of armed enemies, to the hatred of unarmed innocents"
"WE want revenge"
"WE want paybacks"
"And WE don't care who gets hurt in the process."
I go back to my original comment that when MANY Americans hear this criticism coming from a black American they become indignant and defensive. They need to ask themselves WHY. Pastor Wright IS an American and he has as much right as any American to criticize his Govt and his fellows Americans for their support and/or silence when evil was being done in your name.
"WFG: Criticism based on lies, spoken softly, is far worse that criticism base on absolute truth."
For that to be true in terms of immediately felt impact, the person receiving the criticism has to accept the premise that it is absolute truth. Otherwise, soft lies will hurt less simply as a matter of style.
"Pastor Wright is not an outsider, a foreigner from another country slamming the truth into your faces, he is an American, and therefor would be including himself as a recipient of some of the criticism regarding the foreign policies of the USA. Watch the video again he says:"
Granted, the nationality of the critic seems to matter a lot to people. I've never really understood that.
"WE have moved from the hatred of armed enemies, to the hatred of unarmed innocents"
"WE want revenge"
"WE want paybacks"
"And WE don't care who gets hurt in the process."
"I go back to my original comment that when MANY Americans hear this criticism coming from a black American they become indignant and defensive. They need to ask themselves WHY. Pastor Wright IS an American and he has as much right as any American to criticize his Govt and his fellows Americans for their support and/or silence when evil was being done in your name."
Many Americans have been indignant of criticism from any domestic person, not just Wright. Wright's connection to Obama, and his commentary on race relations, make him a distinctive case. I don't agree with damning Obama because of Wright, nor do I assert
Wright is wrong in his facts, though I'm not inclined toward Obama regardless; my bias is more toward Clinton, and was before this controversy began. The fact is is that Wright is the person of the hour, the one most heard about by the general public.
Also, Wright has placed himself into the race relations debate. In that context, one might contend, and I hope you aren't here, that any reaction to Wright's foreign policy criticisms is a reaction to his race criticisms, simply because it's easier to attack the latter. Wether that's what most are doing, claiming that they are tends to be suppressive of open dialogue, not welcoming.
Btw, I did read Obama's speech, and liked it overall.
Pardon, I meant because it's easier to attack the former. made other errors, too, I'm sure.
wfg: Pastor Jeremiah Wright did not place himself into the race relations debate, he has been embroiled in that debate from birth.
If you mean by default he would be a subject in the debate, yes, especially as a black male, and more so for the era he grew up in, but, not to denounce him for it, he has still chosen a response of his own, and therefor has furthered his involvement in the debate. So you are correct, I should not have implied that he was a disinterested outsider.
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