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Friday, March 14, 2008


Like any guy, I enjoy a good old-fashioned catfight...but isn't it time for Kate n' Carmen to bury their rolling-pins and kiss and make up? Not only would this be arousing but it would demonstrate how peaceful a matriarchal world could be for all. Of course they would have to disavow their mutual devotion to Obama and get back on that Hillary-bandwagon to really drive the point home...but such a small price in the name of Paltalk harmony and global peace.

Call me a peacenik, call me a male feminist...I just think it's high-time for a more lady-like behavior amongst the Paltalk womenfolk.


Anonymous said...


I absolutely love the photographs!

However, you are way off the mark if you think there is any deep or lasting animosity between myself and Carmen, at least not from my end. We disagreed on some issues and had a verbal spar. What's new? We have been doing that for years.

Most of the time I agree with Carmen on political and social issues, and when I don't we get into it.

Carmen, a bit like myself, is somewhat of a 'know all' and there are times when both of us no nothing. The incident concerning the clandestine plot to overthrow Dommie, is one of the occasions where Carmen lacks the facts. But that never stops Carmen from trying to win a point.

Clumpy, what I really want to take you to task for my angel is the misogynist bullshit "I just think it's high-time for a more lady-like behavior amongst the Paltalk womenfolk" Clumpy Paltalk, and especially the political section, is a cyber jungle and chatters, men or women, must come with some survival kit or perish. Two of the most necessary items in the survival kit are the ability to demolished one's opponents in a toe-to-toe debate, or simply knock them out of the ring with a verbal assault that would make a sailor blush.

Clumpy, instead of berating Carmen and myself for what is nothing more that a bit of verbal sparring where neither of us are tying very hard to inflict pain and suffering onto the other, I would suggest that you write a blog to the 'blokes' on Paltalk, whose vile and sexually explicit attacks on women in the rooms leave me wondering what kind of low like whores raised those cretins.

Dear Clumpy, there are several 'calm rooms' on Paltalk that one may chose to support, and it is a joy to visit them. I particularly enjoy Callie's room as she immediately ejects any man who calls a woman a 'cunt' or launches a vile attack about where and how he like to fuck her. Women in the some of the rooms are subjected to this appalling behaviour daily. So write to those blokes Clumpy, it is a shocking state of affairs. But don't do so on my behalf, I have never faced off with a male on or off Paltalk that I could not cut off at the knees if he started that nonsense with me.

However,there have been many sweet ladylike chatters driven from Paltalk by the men who snarl from the sideline, gripped with the pain of sexual retention and frustrated that none of the decent women will even engage them.

Clumpy come over to the music rooms, especially the Gospel rooms and I'll sing Amazing Graze for you, I tell you Clumpy there are times when I am so lady like that I can take tea with the local Vicar.

IsabellaSays said...

kate? who are you kidding? carmen tops you time after time and you can't deal with it

IsabellaSays said...

my money is on carmen everytime !!

Anonymous said...

I have never faced off with a male on or off Paltalk that I could not cut off at the knees if he started that nonsense with me.what do you do kate?,kick their guide dogs?.aww bless,,,,,,phil you can call me mr turner.hiya isa g'day mate.
